faire du catac || catcalling

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The first time I got catcalled || 21/4/2019

'So this is what a woman feels like'
What I tell myself in the one minute I walked in the city by myself.

You see, I was on a family outing. My cousin and aunt just flew in from New Zealand and we thought they could experience the city life. I separated from my sister because I had to go to the bathroom. And as I walk back, my eyes wonder to two men. Not men, boys. Just a couple of years older than me, and probably still in high school. Probably not even in the senior year.

There's a peculiar part of the story that you are missing: I've strolled around the city by myself so many times I couldn't even count on one hand. I have never had this problem. And yet, the one time I was relatively safe and I didn't lie about where I was,  I stood in the most danger.

I may be dramatising things but this shit doesn't happen to a boring girl like me. I refuse that this coincidence just show up by itself.

Now, for the crime.
As I walk by those two boys with darker skin and no shirts, I got a bit nervous. But, I convinced myself that it was nothing. That the writer in my head was making up a big scene out of two guys just enjoying their day.
I had just gotten past them (or at least I thought I did) when I hear certain noises. Kissing noises. And it took me a second for my mind to process things. I've always been slow, but that shouldn't be a problem. Then it hits me the same way the wind hits the tree leaves.

Just my luck.

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