Univers alternatif || alternate universe

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Alternate universe in which I do not long for someone

He walks past me and I do not obsess about he has changed his hair. Those long pretty locks are stranger to me now. I strut past him and speed over to my friends.

I wear black timberlands all day long. In the city, on the bus, I post a photo with them on. I do not burn them because he wears black timberlands. I smile because they go with my outfit.

I go to a New Years Eve party. I dance the night away and toast to a new year. Haunted by someone's ghost no more, I stomp on their feet purposely.

Bringing up old times with my best friends I am free. I do not hold my breath, praying that they won't bring the skank up. I talk about her freely, with a large smile on my face.

Walking out of assembly, I do not stop to see if I have captured the waves attention. He walks beside me and I give him a death glare.

I walk past the primary and do not peer back to see if the boy is behind me. I walk with full confidence and keep staring at my phone.

And I can walk on pathways during midday. Where the sun turns my skin golden and I break a sweat. I can call someone in the middle of the night, just to see how they're going. I can skip school by myself. I can go walking at night without the street lights following me. I can do this all without thinking of her. Without thinking of Symphony.

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