boeuf angus || angus beef

25 3 1

The setting is seventh grade drama class.
I've had my eyes set on this guy for a while now, but it's nothing different. I've always been like this. I've 'wanted' a countless amount of boys.
I'm standing there, listening to instructions when from the teacher, completely in my own world.
I cannot tell you what she was talking about, or why she was talking about it. The important thing was is that the class was standing there.
All prepubescent teenagers standing in a small huddle.
Sooner rather than later, feel like a presence coming a little closer than I would've liked.
After moments of easing myself, I feel a body press up against mine.
I first I thought that someone just got pushed towards me or accidentally fell, but after the person stopped moving, I realise this was purposely done. I also realise that the person I now cling onto was the guy.
The one I had my eyes on.
He is standing there, almost as tall as me. Red hair, stupid hat and all when I feel hit breath against my eyes.
His hot breath.
My breathing stops, allowing his to continue.
Soon, I feel a hand slide up against mine. Running up my arm and landing on the crook of my neck and on my throat.
Then I hear words come out of that beautiful mouth,
"Get out of my face you fat fuck"
I was shocked, appalled, outstanded.

I awake shortly after.
This is a dream.
I would never be that close to him,
Not even if I tried.

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