Vendredi || Friday

18 3 0

Period three in S06, on Friday

In the seventh grade, I looked always looked forward to Period three on Fridays. I absolutely adored them.
But simple me, loves simple things. This is what my favourite part of the week throughout my most formative year.

The way that midday sunlight hit S06 was something else. But I never appreciated her beauty until the end of semester 1.
Just handed in our assessment papers on 'twisted fairytales' our amazing English teacher, Mrs Brink, made the executive decision to watch SHREK. This caused chaos for the last week of term two. Everyone was quoting SHREK and attempting archaic hairstyles in the fairy-godmothers voice.
I never intervened with those mundane activities.
You could catch me drawing or staring at the sunlight. The suns' golden beams bleeding through the dirty windows. Golden can look so good on even the palest of skins. But that wasn't the only reason I LOVED Fridays in S06.

Straight across the hall, in S05 (an equally beautiful classroom) a teacher taught mathematics. You may remember this teacher, the one that got fired for 'promiscuous acts with a student'. The one that an old friend liked. Well, he was a math teacher. A strict math teacher. A demanding and well-placed math teacher.
Every so often (especially when we had a sub; we were an shocking class) he would barge in. Whipping us into shape with a alluring smile.

I love S06 on period three, on Friday.

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