encore une fois || once again

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I'd like to say it started with a friend, but if we're honest, it started with a look. I look at every boy the way I looked at him, so I didn't think anything of it. But then I saw your 'girlfriend' latched on his arm and I looked away.
Though I'm extremely indecent, at least I can respect girl-code.
We walk out of the shop we we're in, he loses interest in his. Our feet move at the same time, eventually getting to the same place.

All of five feet apart we stand outside a Vietnamese boba shop. The woman next to him ordering food, my friends and I just being idiots.
And I was about to point out how cute they were together, him and his 'girlfriend'.
I turn to face the friend who is just as bitterly single as I am, when she ducks. And I'm not talking bending her neck. I mean full on crouching on the floor.
So I do what any bestie would do and hide her until we got to a safe spot, that safe spot being behind the boba shop. Then I ask,
"What is all of this?"
"You see that guy over there in the green?"
My friend pauses as if she's waiting for a sign to continue.
"That's my family friend"
I guess she doesn't love them all that much if they can draw this reaction from her. I get the hint and we wait for them to leave. For him to leave.
But I guess he saw her, because as we awkwardly wait, my friend once again almost collapsed. I peer behind my shoulder to see what has caused all this chaos.
That's when I see his face as clearly as I ever would. He stands there abit over 180cm, with a darned smirk on his face. The smirk a celebrity would have when they catch someone trying to take a photo.
After that, we dip!

We walking around the shopping centre. Me praying to see him again. The girl next to me praying that we see Thanos before we see them.
I have never seen him after that moment.
But I felt the need to know more. So I ask my friend. She (of course) is happy about my overflowing questions, but she answers them. She knows I'm a bit obsessive. She knows I'm a little psycho.
Fall in 'love' with every bit of him.
He's tall, he's good looking and he can play the piano.
He's single. That women clinging onto him, that was his mother. I guess beautiful people make beautiful people.
I shall never see him again, just like most of the boys I've had a crush on. But I admire him as a blind person would Monet.

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