vide || empty

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To the guy i fell in love with,

I've fallen for you hard, like the beat in a dubstep song. It might have been my playlist of love songs, or the way you looked but I fell, fucking hard.

I regret everything that involves you. I regret missing my bus and just catching the later one. I regret you catching my eyes. I regret not looking away. I regret still staring even though your arm was securely wrapped around your girlfriends body. I regret getting on that fucking bus.

In our small amount of time, I made a thousand and one mistakes involving you. If I were a smarter girl, i would have sat at the front of the bus, unplugged my earphones and never had this problem. Instead, I sat at the back of the bus, put on taeyeon on blast and watched you with your girlfriend.

I bet she's stunning, why else would you be with her? I could never compete with her even if I tried. And I imagine her as breathtaking. I can't believe I even tried to wonder why you looked so entrapped.

Every time she put her head on your shoulder, I wished it were me. Every time you would press you lips against her ear to whisper sweet nothings in her ear, I wished it were me. Every time you touched, Every time you looked at her, I wished it were me.

And I never got to hear your voice. I never got to hear your sweet honey.
I will still dream about you. I will have nightmares about the moments I spent shamelessly gawking at you walking off that bus.

And in that moment, I started crying.

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