je ne suis pas... || i am not...

24 3 0

I am not a bitch because I broke off friendship with a thief.

I am not a bitch because I hate when the disturbing people are forced to sit near me.

I am not a bitch because I only have red pens left.

I am not a bitch because I don't like short guys.

I am not a bitch because I don't understand the difference between ignorance and just being correct.

I am not a bitch because I told you to go away when I was in a bad mood.

I am not a bitch because I called a shirt ugly.

I am not a bitch because I can't let someone get the last laugh.

I am not a bitch because it's easy for me to ghost someone.

I am not a bitch because I told you to go away when I was crying.

I am not a bitch because I don't smile when I see you in public.

I am not a bitch because I am sarcastic.

I am not a bitch because I think my taste in music is better than yours.

I am not bitch because I'm not submissive enough.

I am not a bitch because I'm not one of those self centred popular girls.

I am not a bitch because I stare.

I am not a bitch because I want you.

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