Détruis-moi || destroy me

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I imagine you as dripping water
You're something I can't live without
Yet you always seem to get away from me
Drowning the velvet touch from me skin
You've never liked soft girls

So I wish you as fire
Aggressive but beautiful
Surrounded by your mistakes
And you're coming towards me
Hot and strong
Burn the lovely silk on my skin to ashes
Then you kept going on with you conquests

And I dream you as a diamond ring
Wrapped tightly around my fourth finger on my left hand
You're the only thing that held us together
But where are you?
You're there
Cutting my lace veil with your sharp edges
You always ruin innocent things

I attempt to force you into being delicate materials
But you'll always be rough
You'll always be leather
And I'll always be a dressmaker for a broken cause
Not being able to destroy your masterpiece

I can't bring myself to burn the leather
Or drown it with regret
No sharp thing will ever hurt you my dear
I promise

Just promise
When you leave me or ruin me
Drown me or burn me
You'll do it heartlessly
Because a girl that's been
Burnt, drowned and ruined
Can't stand another one leaving with a smile on that beautiful face
Content in destroying sunshine

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