mauvaises décisions || bad decisions

27 4 1

Satans' list of bad decisions:

1. Paint a wall (illegally)
2. Find a place well make our secret hideout
3. Take a train somewhere
4. Wear matching outfits all day
5. Go aesthetic fruit picking
6. Throw a fake New-Years-Eve party and post it all over social media
7. Do eat street by ourselves
8. Text a random friend "I've killed him, where's the money?"
9. Listen to some random, probably shitty, live music and act reeeeeeally aesthetic
10. Blow $50 just on thrift shopping
11. Dress in something formal to go to somewhere not
12. Go to an expensive coffee shop and order something/whatever that is pricey
13. Burn our school books
14. Run around that city at night, all dressed up and nowhere to go
15. Take a random bus somewhere and find our way back
16. Go dancing in the rain <3

P.S: We never completed any of this.

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