garçon d'à côté || boy next door

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It's something you only see in old movies. The boy next door. For so long I wished on every 11:11 and prayed to the god of aesthetics that I could have a love like that. A love that Jane Austen or John Green would write a book about. And yet, I never seemed to get my fairytale until I looked elsewhere. Not at the right of me, right in front of me. More specifically, the house in front of mine.
This is a small collection of notes I have about my good looking neighbours , maybe someone can write a book about us.

A husband, a wife and three children.
Two boys and one girl.

We don't know much about the man of the house. He goes driving a lot and owns some sort of company.
Likewise with the lady of the manor, she also remains a mystery. But not fully. Every two days she walks down the street and she also come out of the house to say hello almost everyday. She has had breast cancer and survived. She owns the respect of everyone she knows.

Now for the youth.
The eldest son, Joshua I think his name is.
He's a lot more older and a lot more attractive. As of late he has bought a Ute with his own money. The big, white attraction drives him to works where he is doing an apprenticeship. Joshua wants to become a tradie. Once (as I was taking out the trash) I saw him dragging his sister up the driveway, his sister clearly intoxicated. He seems like a nice gentleman. But not once have I talked to this man but this is just obvious information.

The one and only girl, I have no clue what her name is.
Graduated high school three years ago. Still on a minimum wage job, she is the second sibling that has recently got a new car. But along with her new car, came a new boyfriend. From the looks of the boyfriend, I have reason to believe that he was the one that bought her this bright green Mazda. But all couples have their own problems. I've witnessed a fight between the happy couple. She was yelling and screaming, her boyfriend calmly trying to convince her to get in the car. She refused and I haven't seen her since.

The youngest, Connor, or he looks like a Connor.
He's two grades above me, almost a senior. However, he goes to the Catholic school just across the road. Although all of his siblings, he has to top the list. Beautiful, curly light brown locks and gorgeous golden skin. Once he walked to his brother Ute to get something out of the car shirtless, I was rendered speechless. But everyone has their flaws. He is obsessed with basketball. Even as I write this in the dead of winter at 7:23pm, I can still hear that fucking basketball ringing in my head.

I doubt that anyone would write anything about our great love story anytime soon. But it's nice to imagine that I've known them for my entire life. Even if I technically have.

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