la vague || the wave

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Flipping through old books and my old journals I kept while having a crush on the wave brought up old feelings. Feelings long forgotten. Feelings I don't want back.
My squishy chipmunk, my #23, oh how much time I spent fangirling over your beautiful braces. Or every single second I spent praying that you would talk to me.

Who knew a simple flick through old books could jumpstart emotions. Because now, my heart is racing and I'm smiling uncontrollably.

I still think your incredibly attractive, even though you are an enormous prick. Since that moment, I never want you to open your mouth around me again.

In all honesty, we don't bring out the best in each other. I repulse you and you constantly make me eyes roll. Not because of sexual pleasure, it's because you annoy the fuck out of me.

I will forever stare at you. There will never be a moment where you never catch my eye. To me you will be the yellow lighting I grew up in. I hate you oh so much, and yet I can always come home to you. Knowing that I hate yellow.

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