enseignants || teachers

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Teacher crushes

Teacher crushes are taboo. It's something you'll only see in a bad porn or in a horrible fanfiction. And although I've never had one, and never will, I've had my fair share of student-teacher-drama. Well... not me, me observing people that have.

Firstly, an old friend. The skank.
She noticed a male teacher a little too much than she should have. During the summer, he would spray the youth with cold water. He was just so nice. And because us young girls don't know what male kindness is, we assume something more. The skank was just one of those helpless twelve year old girls looking for love. She just found the thing she was looking for in the wrong place. Her HPE classroom.
Luckily, she never acted on this naive want.
He was fired at the end of the year for 'promiscuous acts with a student', even though he had a girlfriend.

Secondly, another coincidence with rumours.
A fustal teacher that we shall call Mr. Nathan. He's young, fit and kind, who wouldn't fall in love with him? Apparently not this girl that I made up last year. You see, my angst filled twelve-year-old self was terribly unamused with life. So I thought I could stir up some gossip. Mr. Nathan was the victim to my horrible schemes solely because his class was sitting right next to mine. I whisper into a few girls ears that a secret girl in our grade likes Mr. Nathan romantically. When they asked more questions, I just ignored. He also had a girlfriend and was planning on proposing.

Lastly, my own encounter with a teacher-student crime.
I've never been a sporty person. So when I got put into the volleyball class in my seventh year of schooling, I loathed it. Halfway through the dragging school year, we got a new volleyball teacher. A young, dangly male that stood up to 6'11". And my best friend in the class has always be a bit of a trouble maker. And one day (when the class was being extra rowdy) she calls this giant over to our table. Rather loudly she asks,
"Do you have a girlfriend? Because *insert my name* is single"
He chuckled as if we were love strucken teenagers. How could anyone have a serious crush on their teacher. He replies with a doltish smirk on his face,
"Sorry girls, I have a partner"
Damn. If course a man like that already has a girlfriend, someone stunning. The boy sitting in front of us, the wave, had quite a few questions to ask us that day. We never answered.
And although I don't have him nor want him, I still get nervous each time I walk past him every morning.

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