ma plus chère || my dearest

23 2 0

Dear my future daughter,

I'll admit, the thirteen-year-old version of your mother is pretty stupid. She's spontaneous and self-centred. But sometimes (on the rare occasion) she can write a pretty decent letter. This is one of them.

I have spent my entire life wondering why paper cuts hurt the most. With all the lives I have lived, I cannot give you a straight answer.
But I can tell you this:
The world is a book with more opens and closes than one can count. And with each blade-sharp edge, it controls everything around us.
And then there's girls like us. Explorers that love reading.
We open the worlds book, excited to read. And with the knowledge, we get cut.
We are the girls that easily cry. That can't figure out their emotions.
And although I imagine you exactly like me,
I pray that you turn out like your father.

I haven't met him yet (and something tells me I never will) but I hope he's exactly as I fantasise.
Loving and passionate and caring.
My darling, please don't end up like me. End up like your father. I love you too much to see your life destroyed.

With enough love to concur the world,
Thirteen-year-old mum <3

heart shaped glasses Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora