rires || giggles

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Christopher Velez,

I remember the night I first saw you. Appearing on my phone screen as charming as ever. Whispering tenderly into another woman's ear, this started an ongoing series. The wonder of what it would feel like to be yours. Within the two minutes you were on camera, I was in some sort of daze. You're a showstopper. And you surround yourself with showstoppers.
I became easily trapped in your humour, your way with words, your giggles.

I click a video of yours, I stare at one, I admire another. I get lost in your beautiful brown eyes, ones that have seen so many fangirls just like me. I ravel myself in the softness of your voice, like an old friends arms. And I bury myself with your laugh, the sound of real joy makes me question why I'm not always happy.I've already told a friend about you. She couldn't care less but I care a lot, I care for you a lot.

Sadly I have a rule, I don't fall for boys like you. Bad boys. Smirkers. Flirts. I guess you must be an exception. Why else would I love you?

But just like every single celebrity crush, I shall never have you. If you can't already tell I'm sick of unrequited love. My phone shall always include photos of you. You, Christopher Velez, with your brown eyes and beautiful giggles.

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