you belong with me

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this has...been in the drafts a while. sorry that i haven't uploaded in a while, and sorry if this isn't good. :)


"No way," Tris said, pulling a leg up and hugging it to her chest. Tobias sat next to her at the table in the quad, where they always sat. It was her freshman year of high school--she only had a few weeks left--and Tobias abandoned his friends to sit with her, like what he had done most days in the year. Now, his cheeks were blushed as he told Tris about what had happened in the period before lunch.

"Yeah, I swear. She just came up to me and was like "I like you. Wanna go out sometime?" He put the last chip into his mouth and shook his head. "I mean, I accepted, but bro code? What do I tell Uriah?"

They were talking about Christina. Her and Uriah had dated for six months back after school first started. But now, he had been getting closer romantically with Marlene, who was his childhood best friend. Him and Christina were still friends, and nothing was awkward between them.

Well, at least from what Uriah talked to her about. Tris and Christina weren't friends, even when she dated Uriah, who had been Tris's friend since middle school.

"He most likely won't care. He's all over Marlene now, anyways." Tris attempted to be nonchalant when she asked, "So when's the date?"

"Friday," he didn't hear how off her voice was. "We're going to Dauntless Diner, I guess."

"Fun." Tris's voice sounded unlike her and she blamed her conscious.

She had liked Tobias for years. At first it was just a childhood crush, since they have been friends ever since they were practically babies. Their parents still worked together and were friends, which meant they were always around each other. Tris was only fourteen, too young to know whether her feelings were love. Romantic love, at least.

Now, because of Christina, she had lost the chance to ever try and get closer than close with Tobias.


Her laugh was so loud, so real, that Tris couldn't help but push the bitterness down. The first week of her sophomore year. Her table that she had claimed with Tobias in the beginning of last year was now full with their whole friend group, a group that had formed over the summer. Instead of being next to her, Tobias was across the table with his girlfriend leaning against his chest. He pulled back from whispering something into her ear, a smile on his own lips.

"Gross," Uriah said. "Get a room."

"Haven't you heard?" Zeke spoke with a full mouth of food. "They did get a room last summer."

The words shocked Tris so much that she couldn't think to control her actions. Her head snapped up, phone slapping down to the table. Christina looked terrified, shaking her head at Zeke when Tris looked up to her and Tobias was pale, eyes wide and on her. Tris grabbed her backpack and her empty tray of food, throwing it in the garbage behind her. "I have to get to fourth period. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Tris, wait!"

She was right inside the doors of her school when her elbow was grabbed. Tobias pulled her into an empty classroom and Tris turned, shoving him away and taking a deep breath. "So when were you going to tell me you had sex?"

"She cheated on me, Tris." His eyes were wide still and he set a hand on Tris's arm. "Zeke was outside, about to go to the gym, when he watched her walk out of her house with some blonde-haired guy. She had glanced around before kissing him, and she kissed him again when he got into his car. After he drove away was when Zeke walked down the porch and asked who's car that was, since it was different. She lied and said I had to get a different car because mine broke down." He leaned closer to her. "Christina doesn't know I know."

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