unbroken pt. 2

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"Disgusting," the woman hissed to her husband, glancing around the room as Tris and Tobias walked out from their appointment. "I can't believe he got her pregnant. They're children. They shouldn't be having sex. Why are we even here in the first place?" 

She was talking as if the girl and boy who sat next to them weren't there. The brown-haired, blue eyed girl, who didn't look much older than sixteen, was crying with her knees pulled to her chest, held with one arm. Her other arm sat on the bar that separated the two chairs her and the brown-haired dark eyed boy, who looked at most seventeen, sat in, her hand held tight in his. The boy held anger on his face at the comments the adults were saying, but didn't say anything. 

The mother, who looked closely related to the girl with the same colored eyes and hair, turned to her and whispered harshly, "After we get rid of this abomination, we are going to the court house."

Tris stopped walking at the proclamation.

"I'm not getting rid of my baby." The girl said, voice stern despite the tears that still fell down her face. "This is my choice, not yours."

"You are not even eighteen yet!" The woman responded, raising her voice. The handful of other people in the room started to look at them, the mother not caring at making a scene. "I get to do whatever the hell I want, because I am your parent."

"Not with this. This baby is mine, is in my body. I am not killing my baby. I am not aborting my baby, when nothing is their fault." She seemed already attached to the baby, all in for what it would cost her at such a young age. "Xander loves me. I love him. We're going to have this baby."

"Alexander is a child, and so are you, Ariana. You don't know what love is. You don't know what to do with a baby. If you do not get rid of it, we are disowning you."

"Go ahead." Alexander finally spoke, his deep voice filling the space of the waiting room. "You think we give a fuck? We don't. We have plenty of friends that would gladly take us in, their parents even more willing than you pieces of shit. If my parents weren't six feet under, they would be here right now, and your daughter wouldn't be crying her fucking eyes out because the people who raised her are so nasty."


"I would shut up, boy," the older man cut in. "Don't pretend as if you're so rich to take care of such a thing. This would've never happened if you didn't push yourself onto her, you worthless piece of trash."

"Hey!" Tris finally spoke up, stepping forward at the words. She heard them so much with Tobias's father, with what he said to Tobias. She didn't accept those words anymore, no matter who it was. "They're already in a bad place. They don't need you to be so hard on them."

"Tris." Tobias said from behind her, a warning in his voice.

"A baby is a blessing. No matter the age. It doesn't matter their ages, or when they decided to have sex. They knew the consequences. They're old enough to know. And they want this baby. Some people don't get to have this chance. So either help them or leave them alone, and stop being so hard on them. You both should be ashamed of yourselves."

The mother, whose anger built with every word Tris said, got up from the chair, putting her purse over her shoulder as she said, "I will be in the car."

As the woman stalked to the door, hand on it as she readied to push it open and leave the building, her daughter cried, "Momma, please."

But the words, the agony in them, didn't stop her mother as she pushed open the door and disappeared.


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