Role Reversal #5

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"I was his instructor. Now we're together."

The Candor and remnants of Dauntless had already gathered in the room where Tris and Tobias's trial would be held. Some sat on benches that wrapped around the outer edge of the whole room, but there wasn't enough space for everyond. The rest were gathered around the Candor symbol. In the center of the symbol were two chairs. Tris reached for Tobias's hand, and Tobias laced their fingers together.

Their Dauntless guards led them to the middle of the room. They were greeted with murmurs and jeers. Jack Kang, leader of Candor, stood near the front row of benches. Then, a old and dark-skinned stepped forward, with a black box in his hands.

"My name is Niles," he said. "I will be your questioner. You--" He pointed to Tris. "You will be going first. So if you will please step forward . . ."

Tris squeezed Tobias's hand, releasing it a moment later. Tobias backed up to stand with Shauna at the edge of the Candr symbol. He watched Niles open the black box. He saw the two needles sitting inside and knew one was for Tris, and one was for him. He took an antiseptic wipe from his pocket to Tris.

Tobias watches from a short distance as Tris applies the wipe to the skin covering her neck. She almost scowled and rolled her eyes when Niles informed her the injection was in her neck. As if she didn't know that.

Niles stepped closer and plunged the needle into Tris's neck, squeezing the liquid into her veins. The last time Tobias saw someone inject Tris with a serum, it put her under a new simulation that made her friends, enemies. Tobias thought she was lost forever. With a deep breath, he shuddered.

"I will ask you a series of simple questions so that you grow accustomed to the serum as it takes full effect," said Niles. "Now. What is your name?"

Tris's shoulders were slouched as she sat in her chair, her head lowered also. She scowled and squirmed on the chair. "Six."

Was if it was possible to lie under truth serum. Maybe it wasn't possible, but you got to choose which version of the truth to tell. Six was her name, but it was not her real name.

"That is a nickname," Niles pointed out. "What is your real name?"

Tris struggled to say the word and she squirmed in her seat before replying. "Beatrice."

Next to him, Shauna nudged Tobias. "Did you know that?"

The only thing Tobias did was nod.

"What are the names of your parents, Beatrice?"

Tris opened her mouth to answer, but then closed her jaw and clenched it. "Why is this relevant?"

The Candor around Tobias started to mutter harshly, some even scowling. Tobias looked to the person who had saddled up next to him and raised his eyebrows at Peter.

"It's extremely difficult not to immediately answer questions while under the truth serum." Peter replied quietly. "It means she has a seriously strong will. And something to hide."

"Maybe it wasn't relevant before, Beatrice." Niles continued when the chatter died down, "but it is now that you've resisted answering the question. The names of your parents, please."

Tris closed her eyes, cursing under her breath. "Natalie and Andrew Prior."

Surnames weren't a major addition to names. It was optional, sometimes more useful than others. But, names were not traveled through families to factions.

Everyone recognized Andrew's surname.  Tobias could tell by the racket that lifted in the room moments after Tris spoke. All Candor knew Andrew was the most influential government official. Some must have read about his cruelty to his daughter. That was one of the only things true. Now everyone knew Tris was that daughter.

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