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"Please," the father begged, "She's really sick. Can you help her?"

His daughter laid in the hospital bed, her breathing labored every other breath. He flickered his eyes between staring into the gray and blue eyes of the little girl and the light blue ones of the doctor. "Please," he said. "Find something to do. Please."

The doctor nodded her head, her blonde hair swirling around her head. "Yes," she said. "Yes, I will find something."

Though, as the surgeon walked out of the room, she knew that she didn't have any way to save a child that was dying. She also didn't know how to tell the father that his child was losing her life.

"Get them a room," the surgeon requested. Even if there was no things at the moment that they could do in a surgery, the child was sick. She could stay at the hospital.


"I don't know what we're going to say to him, Bailey. There's nothing that we can do." The surgeon flipped through the charts, "His daughter's heart is failing."

Though, the doctor promised that she would find something to do. She didn't. There was nothing she could do. She was giving up hope.

The man was staring at his daughter, brushing his fingers through her blonde hair. "Mr. Eaton," the surgeon started out. "There's some news we should tell you." The smaller nurse, Dr. Bailey, stood next to her as they both walked into the room.

Tobias looked up from his child, his eyes going straight to the doctors. There was hope in his eyes before it quickly disappeared as he saw the look on the doctors' faces. He knew there was nothing else to hope for, knew that his child would die soon.

His child, half asleep on the hospital bed, whimpered small as her father moved away from her. Tobias angrily walked slowly to the end of the bed. "Excuse me," he grounded out, "while I to find some real doctors who can fix my daughter."

He stormed out of the room, his phone held tightly in his hand. Tobias's daughter--Lily--called out for her father, the word breathless as it passed her lips, "Dada."

The girl's small and tired eyes moved up to Dr. Bailey as she walked closer. "I'm tired," she cried quietly, "I want my daddy."

Slowly, the surgeon moved onto the bed, next to the small child. The child's breaths, short and raspy, continued as she closed her eyes, leaning into the doctor. "I miss you," she said, "I miss you, mama."

Dr. Bailey looked to the little girl, her eyebrows narrowing. She opened her mouth, looking up to Dr. Robbins, ready to tell the little girl she wasn't her mother. Though, when the Chief of Pediatric Surgery shake her head, she let the subject go.

The child fell asleep snuggled into the surgeon, her shallow breaths following her in.


"Lily," the father breathed, walking back into the hospital room. His hair was ruffled and dark black circles took home under his eyes. "Let's go to Mexico."

The surgeon, still laying next to his daughter, looked up to Tobias with her eyebrows narrowed.

"Daddy, I'm tired," Lily moaned, her eyes fighting to stay awake after being woken up.

"In Mexico, this problem will be fixed. You'll love it there, Lily." Tobias grabbed a hold of his daughter's small hand. "There's nice, smooth, sandy beaches. The sun is bright every morning and the sky always a light blue."

"Mr. Eaton, your daughter is very sick." The surgeon started. "She cannot go to Mexico."

"Who cares what you say," the father snarled with his eyes to the doctor's. "You couldn't help her so I'm bringing her where people can."

"Your daughter is not physically well to travel, Mr. Eaton." The doctor tried again, "Her heart is weakening every moment. She will not survive a trip to Mexico." Dr. Bailey tried not to heighten her voice level, not in front of the sleeping child that was attached to her chest.

But, it seemed Tobias had the opposite idea.

"She has to survive!"

His voice was loud, extremely loud. It made the sick girl in the hospital bed twist to her father, whimpering. "Dada, please no yelling. I'm so tired."

Right away, with one glance to his child, Tobias was walking out of the hospital room. The surgeon laying with his daughter didn't follow him, but the one with blonde hair did.

"What is wrong with you?" She hissed, her voice going high as Tobias sat in a chair in a small waiting room.

Tobias simply put his head into his hands, shaking it, trying to contain the words that were going to burst through his lips. These people at this hospital didn't care about his personal life. They only cared about the well-being of his child. No matter how long he tried to stop the words, no matter how hard he tried, it didn't work.

"Four years ago . . . Four years ago, my wife died in an earthquake."

The doctor in front of him was silent.

"She was at home and I was with Lily at what was supposed to be one of the best hospitals in the world. It was in England. I was in England and I didn't even know she was dead until I got a call from her best friend saying that she was in the morgue." Tobias's voice shook. "They--they were all injured at some sort. But my house--the house I had with my wife was obliterated by the storm. We had no home when we came back. Lily had no mother, and I had no wife."

His cheeks were tear-stained as he looked up to Dr. Robbins. The stern look from the doctor's face had disappeared. "Her name was Beatrice, Tris. Lily looks just like her, is the split image. I have no pictures; I have nothing else that reminds me of her. I wanted her to be saved because she is the only person that I love in this world."

The child could hardly hold her eyes open as she saw her father walk back into the room. A light smile hung from her little lips, "Are we going to Mexico, daddy?"

At a very, very, slow pace, Tobias walked to his daughter. The other surgeon, Dr. Bailey, seated at a plush chair next to the hospital bed. Tobias took the space next to his seven year old daughter, trying to hide the new tears in his eyes.

"Yes," he murmured. His arm rested around Lily's head and he put his nose into her cheek. Lily's breaths slowed down. "We are going to go to Mexico. Your feet are going to touch the smooth, tan, sand beaches. The sun will shine in your face and your beautiful eyes will see the bright blue sky." Lily's breaths slowed down. "Remember your mother, Lil? She'll be there too. You'll love her, just as much as you did when she was here. She's so amazing, just like you. I'll be there too, Lily. We'll all go to Mexico."

The room was silent, except one sound. The surgeon across from him wiped tears that didn't float down her cheeks. It was then when the surgeon turned off the heart monitor, that had flat-lined.

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