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"Where is he?"

The words were shouted loud from her mouth as she walked into the hospital. Her best friends, Christina and Will, followed her as she looked around at the people in the waiting room. Shauna and Zeke were sitting in chairs in the back corner of the room. She marched up to her boyfriend's father when she saw him, and her hands itched to form a fist to punch it across Marcus's face. Tris stared up at Marcus through her tear-filled eyes. "What did you do to him, you bastard?"

There was the hospital security officer standing stiff next to Marcus. Christina had explained to Tris on the way to the hospital that Marcus was going to go to jail to be questioned. Tris wanted to get to the hospital as soon as she could. She wanted to demand what possibly Marcus could do to Tobias to put Tobias in the hospital.

Tris knew what Marcus did to Tobias every Wednesday of every week. She was Tobias's girlfriend, so of course she knew.

"Come on," Christina grabbed a hold of Tris's arm softly. "Tris, come on. Let's go sit down."

"No," Tris ground out through her clenched teeth. Tears were running freely down her face and she yanked her arm from Christina's grasp. "I need him to tell me what he did to my boyfriend!"

The officer standing by Marcus held out a hand. "Ma'am, you need to calm down or you will be escorted out," he scolded quietly. It made Will forcefully lead Tris away with an arm behind her back. Tris huddled her head to Will's chest while placing a hand over her mouth.

Zeke stood up when Tris and Will got close to him. He closed his hands around Tris's forearms before he opened his mouth to speak. "Four bumped his head on the side of a table when his father hit him. It broke his skull and he is in surgery now." Zeke blinked fast and swallowed. "The doctors say he won't have his memories when he wakes up."

Tris wanted to go back and really punch Tobias's father now. She turned on her feet, glaring a sharp gaze into Marcus. She about turned on her feet, about shrugged her arms from Zeke's hold. But, she felt tired, and she was tired. It was around eleven o'clock when Zeke called her, and Tris was just getting into bed.

Her breaths increased and she felt as if she was under water. Tobias wouldn't remember who she was. After all the first dates that failed because of wrong reservations or her overprotective father; after all the kisses. After their one year anniversary was just a few days ago . . .

Tobias wouldn't remember anything.

Zeke pulled Tris to his chest. His arms went tight around her and Tris felt too weak to lift her own. A sob came through her lips and she put her forehead on Zeke's shoulder.

Tris stayed like that for a long while.


She almost didn't want to walk into the room when the doctor informed Hana, Zeke and Uriah's mother, that Tobias was awake. Tris wanted to leave the hospital right then and there, and she would have, if Zeke hadn't half dragged her in.

"No, Zeke, I really don't want to go in." Tris found herself saying. "He's not going to remember me, and the best thing to do is just go home and sleep and pretend I never knew him--"

"The best thing to do?" Zeke turned back to Tris and grasped her shoulder tightly. "That's not the best thing to do. The best thing to do is get in there and try to work back your relationship. I have hope you guys will be okay again."

Tris shook her head and shrugged Zeke's grip off her shoulder. Her eyes stung but she wasn't sure if there was any more tears in her system. "You don't get it, do you?" She queried, furrowing her eyebrows roughly. "Tobias's memories are gone. Everything we ever did together, every thing that we worked at to just go on a first date, is gone. He has amnesia, Zeke. He doesn't remember anything. Not me, not you, not Uriah, not that his mother died and his father is in jail and he has no other parents."

Tris took a shuddering breath. "He's gone, Zeke, and he isn't coming back."

"People with amnesia can get their memories back," Zeke said, scowling. "You're giving up on him right now. Do you get it? Wanting to walk away and pretend you don't know him is giving up on him. Now, I thought you loved him more than that."

"Stop," Tris murmured. "I do love him--"

"If his memories of you come back, and he sees you've been ignoring him, what if he won't fight for you? Even if his memories come back in general, the ones with you won't, because you didn't work to make them come back." Zeke stared with a hard gaze at Tris. "What if he starts to date someone else and barely even gives you a glance?"

"Zeke," Tris took a breath, "shut up. Shut up, Zeke."

"What?" Zeke insisted. "Does it hurt? Because I bet you that it will hurt Four when he finds out that the only girl he was in love with didn't fight one second for him to get back to the way he was."

A tear moved down Tris's cheek and she swiftly wiped it away. The hard stare Zeke had on her softened and Zeke moved to grab Tris's shoulders lightly again. "I saw how in love he was with you," he claimed. "It was stronger than any other feeling I have ever seen.

"You need to fight, Tris. The only way he will get his memories back is if his family and friends support him on the journey."

They walked into the hospital room not long after. Hana was sitting on the chair next to the bed, talking quietly and slowly with Tobias. Zeke and Uriah's mother was the only guardian left for Tobias, which was decided by Tobias's mother. Tobias didn't have any aunts or uncles, and his grandparents were dead. His father was going to jail, and would be in jail for God knows how long.

Plus, it was only a few months until Tobias would be old enough to live on his own. But with the recent accident, that time would be pushed back some.

Tobias lifted his head, that was wrapped in a bandage, and looked at Zeke and Tris. He only glanced once at Tris before trailing his eyes to Zeke. His brows furrowed softly and he opened his mouth to say, "Zeke?"

It almost made Tris's mouth drop. Her eyes widened and she looked to the side at Zeke. "You remember me?" He asked, though no trace of hope was in his voice.

Tobias looked from Hana and then back to Zeke. "No," he drawled out slowly. "Your mother just said how you were out in the hallway."

Zeke laid a hand on the bottom of Tris's back, leading her forward as he walked also. Tris sighed at the fact that Zeke knew that if he left her by the door, she would just leave.

Tobias looked to Tris and flashed his eyes back to Hana. "And who's this?" He asked, his voice deep and raspy. "My sister?"

Tris felt as if she was about to throw up.

"No!" Zeke's eyes were wide and after he said the word, the look on his face told Tris he didn't mean to be so loud. "This is--"

"I'm Tris," Tris interrupted Zeke, smiling faintly at Tobias. "You don't remember me, at all?"

Tris's breaths were fast and her stomach twisted, as if the contents were going to be thrown up soon enough. She blinked fast, the fuzziness invading her vision.

She hated that Tobias shook his head. She hated the word that came out of his mouth, confirming that he, in fact, did not remember her. Not one glimpse or one little memory that would make everything okay again.

Right then and there, Tris cursed his father. She cursed his mother for leaving him alone, cursed the God she did not believe in for making this happen to her.

But she was going to fight, and she was going to get those memories back, no matter what else had to be done to make that happen.

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