it was almost perfect

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Someone tugged on her arm and Tris turned to look at the elderly lady, whose arm was shaking behind them as she said, "Help! A man just stole my purse, please help."

She glanced up, could see a man running fast around the corner. The lady in front of her was mumbling how she had called nine-one-one but Tris was already nodding her head and running. Her feet went fast against the concrete and she tried to stay out of people's way as she ran. She caught sight of the dark hair that belonged to the thief and followed him into an alleyway.

A deep voice floated through speakers as a car pulled up behind her, two light and dark colored sirens going off on the top. "Police! Drop what you have in your hold and put your hands up!" The police man got out a second later, starting to run as Tris gained speed.

She got up to the man and tugged the purse from his hold, pulling the arm down. Tris would've been successful had it not been for the man's fist to come up and fly across her face. The purse stayed in her hand but as the thief glanced to the cop behind her, he turned and started to run again.

The cop put a hand on Tris's arms, and her eyes were directed down but she felt his eyes scanning her face. Tris put her fingers up to where she felt liquid on her face and her eyes trailed from the sticky substance on her fingers to the man in front of her.

Color exploded in her eyes.

The buildings surrounding them were brown brick and the man standing in front of her's eyes were a beautiful dark blue while his hair was brown. The lights that flashed on top of the police vehicle were a bright red and blue.

The man in front of her was standing with his eyes wide, not once looking away.

"Eaton? Eaton, did you catch him?"

That was the time where he did look away, down to his walkie talkie, picking it up from around his waistband and speaking in to it. "Code 451, man. Found my soulmate."

The dazzling smile he gave in return to hers was quite beautiful.

After they had returned the purse to the overly generous old lady, who had merely looked at their grazing hands and smiled, as if she had known they would be soulmates, they agreed to meet each other at a coffee shop. He--Tobias-- who claimed he had to go back to the station and pick up his own car. Secretly, Tris was hoping he wouldn't change out of his uniform. It did wonders for the muscles covering his arms and stomach.

And when he walked out of the red colored vehicle, Tris smiled when she did in fact see him wearing the suit. She hopped out of her car also, fighting back the wide grin she wanted to show on her face. When she got out of bed this morning, when she said good bye to her dog and thought the day would be normal, she would've never thought finding her soulmate would happen. Or the fact that she would see the world in color for once.

It was so beautiful.

And so was the man standing in front of her.


A month later, he was meeting her family. She brought him home on her birthday, where they stood hand-in-hand while Tobias introduced himself. A month after that they were making love. A month after that they were moving in with each other. Tris's best friend had laughed they hadn't done it already. When he did finish moving in, he placed his cat down on the floor and Tris's dog had sniffed cautiously at it before the cat was hissing, making the dog jump and walk away. They definitely wouldn't get along.

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