kiss me good bye

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"Come on, kiss me good bye."

The girl laughed, leaning into the boy with her arms wrapped around his neck. His arms went around to her waist and he moved his head closer to hers. Teasing, the girl leaned her head back more as she laughed.

"Tobias!" Moving her hands to his face, she pushed him away. "No!"

And Tobias made his voice high-pitched as he whined the same. "Tris!" He said, "Yes!"

Again, he heard the laugh slip through her lips. Even if it was a cliché thing to say, it was like music to his ears. He did anything he could to hear it.

So, Tris leaned into Tobias and lifted her head to let her lips linger by Tobias's. Slowly but surely, she kissed him and moved her hands up through his hair to hold his head. She moved towards the car door, pulling him with her before she opened the door.

"Good bye!" She said, pushing him carefully back into the seat. Then, she leaned down to look at him through the window, smiling. "I love you."

"I love you, too." He said, leaning in to kiss her lips once before pulling back and smiling.

With a final wave, Tobias drove away with the smile still hanging from his lips softly.


"Give me a good bye kiss, Mrs. Eaton."

"Where are you going, Mr. Eaton?"

The newly married couple stood by the couch. Well, Tris was sitting and holding Tobias's face towards her, their foreheads touching. Tobias was and half standing and bending down his hands on the couch on either side of her.

"That, my love, is a surprise. So, just kiss me good bye."

So, like they have been doing for the past six years, Tris laughed into the kiss as their lips touched.



"No--leave me alone!"

They were yelling, waking up the four children upstairs. The younger three were huddled in the oldest room and the littlest was crying, like what she usually did. Fights of their parents were useless subjects, usually yelling about nonsense.

"I can't believe you!"

A baby cry next, probably loud enough to wake the neighborhood. It seemed as if the house had more than seven people living in it, rumbles of shouts and cries and it was just so loud.

"I'm leaving."


The rest of what their mother would say was interupted as the youngest child hopped from the bed and ran out of the room. The oldest shouted her little sister's name to call her back, but the child didn't come.

"Dada, no leave!" Soon, she showed up where Tobias was, tugging on his pants. Shocked, Tobias looked down to her and kneeled as he wiped her face.


"You love mama. Kiss goodbye."

The child understood the things she heard her parents say to each other. When they weren't fighting, Tobias would always want a kiss good bye from Tris; like when they were young.

So, to make the child happy, Tobias finished packing his bag then walked over to his wife. He held her trembling shoulders, sadness and regret filling his stomach. Sadness for seeing her cry; regret for making her that way.

Tobias cleared his throat before he spoke. "Kiss me good bye."

And instead of laughing like she usually did, Tris turned her head to the side as tears dripped down her cheeks and she bit her lip. "No."

"It's for Char."

Then, Tris's eyes trailed over to her littlest daughter. Charlotte's face were covered in tears, and she tilted her head some at her mother, hearing the word of defiance.

After that, Tris leaned over to kiss Tobias. It was a short one, and she pulled back quickly, her eyes directed away. "If you're going to leave, leave."

Little did they know, the one kiss would solve their problems.

Tobias kicked the bag away and didn't even look as it slid away, down the hardwood floors. "No."

Then, he kissed her again. Even with their four year-old standing right there, he picked her up some and apologized against her lips time and time again. In a second, Tris's arms wrapped around his neck and they both sighed into the kiss, it being the only relief at the moment.


"Mama, no."

The five kids, now old and in their twenties, surrounded the hospital bed. The oldest daughter held her mother's hand to her lips as she shook her head.

Early in her fifties, Tris had caught cancer; leukemia. The effects happened quick, and now they were here in the hospital, eight years later as Tris layed weak and dying.

Tris took the hand her daughter was holding to place it against her daughter's cheek. "I'm still going to be with you." She said, her voice shallow. Tris then moved her hand to her daughter's chest, right above her heart. "Right here." Slowly, her eyes moved to the rest of her children, landing on her husband. "All of you."

After a moment of just staring at him, Tris moved her hands sluggishly to Tobias' face, pulling him close. She closed her eyes, and they were young again; sixteen and leaning against Tobias' car. She smiled, opening her eyes to have her last moment be happy.

"Kiss me good bye, my love." Tobias said, his voice heavy with sadness and love.

And they did kiss. One little three second kiss, which was all they needed. Tris pulled away, her eyes focused on his face. "I love you, Tobias."

"And I love you, Beatrice."

The mother and wife leaned back onto the bed, her eyes trailing to her children as she smile. "I love you all."

There were what sounded like murmurs back as slowly, Tris closed her eyes and the machine that was keeping her heartbeat beeped into a flatline.

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