good night

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WATCH THE MUSIC VIDEO! I promise this will be a happy oneshot and the video will prove it. ((Grace from TSLOAT!!!)) It's +++++ feels bc the girl has blond hair and the guy has brown and guess who else have the same............

The car stopped and Tobias glanced to the car screen, checking the time. It was a few minutes past midnight, which was exactly the curfew Tris's parents gave them. It was the weekend before people went off to college and they both went to the party his friend Zeke was hosting. Even though it was Tobias moving away to school, he wouldn't miss a time to be with Tris, his best friend.

Tobias got out of the car, walking around the front to go and open the passenger door. As he did so, Tris rubbed the exhaustion away from her eyes. She accepted the arm Tobias slung around her once she got out shoulders as she closed the car door behind her. They both walked to the front porch and Tris yawned as she walked closer to the door.

"What, no good bye?"

His best friend laughed, turning around on her heels and stepping forward as she smiled small. "I'm exhausted, Tobias." Tris stepped closer as she moved her blond hair out of her eyes. "And with school in two days. . .I have to get my rest in." Her eyes brightened. "You still have a day, though, right? We can spend the hour we need saying good bye."

The statement pulled a chuckle from Tobias's mouth, but it was a small one before he was frowning. "I want to get there early; make sure my dorm and classes are all set up."

Quiet surrounded them, and Tobias could've sworn a look of upset passed through onto Tris's face. It was gone as she leaned forward and threw her arms around his shoulders, face hidden into his neck. He wouldn't come home until Thanksgiving, and they still could text and video call. But something felt different now that her friend wouldn't be in school with her.

Tobias's own arms went around her back and he held her to him, repeating the action she had just done and taking in the sweet smell of her. The months they would spend apart would be torture, no matter if they still had ways they could speak.  He would miss her. . .terribly. Perhaps more than she would miss him.

If it wasn't for his crush on her, it would've been less of such a feeling. Tobias hoped in the time he wasn't home that she wouldn't forget about him, like most of the other important people in his life. His mother, his father. . . Tobias would never not be thankful for how Hana, Zeke and Uriah's mother, took him in. But now, if he came back during Thanksgiving break and his best friend had a new best friend or was dating someone--

"I am going to miss you so, so, so much, Tobias." Tris whispered, the words making her lips brush against his neck. It made Tobias have to pull his lips inside his mouth.

"You'll be fine."

"I won't." Her grip on his tightened to show she truly meant the words. "Christina moved away because she thought it was my car that caused Will's death in the crash. Yes, there's Mar, and Uriah, and Lynn. But they're not you."

Tobias placed her down slowly, moving his hands to encase her face between them. "I'll miss you, too. I'll see you soon, all right?" The corner of his lip pulled up, as he joked, "Love you."

"You better come back Thanksgiving break," she stressed, grey eyes wide. "Unless I will drive there myself and drag you back." She waited for an answer, yawning again as Tobias only grinned back. "I'll see you soon. Love you too."

It took a lot of resistance for Tobias to pull away. As he passed the fence that separated the small house from the road, Tobias got back into his car and glanced up just in time to watch Tris go inside, turn off the porch light.

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