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Tris held her head in her hands, just have gotten back from the doctor's office. She had one hand clutched to her stomach, where she couldn't feel the movement anymore.

Tears built in her eyes as Tris shook her head. She couldn't believe what just had happened. How was she supposed to tell Tobias?

Her clothes still smelled like hospital. She went to the doctor's office, and was transferred to the hospital, something she didn't expect to happen. When she arrived home, she wanted to take a shower and change into different clothes, but she never did.

The front door opened and there was footsteps that headed to the living room. Tris's heartbeat picked up in pace and she kept her head down, trying to will the tears away from her eyes.

"Hey babe--"

Tobias began to speak before his eyes took in the sight of his disheveled wife. His eyebrows furrowed and Tobias hurried to sit beside Tris.

"Tris? What's wrong?" He asked, his eyes full with concern.

Tris sat up slowly, her eyes moving at the same pace up to Tobias's face. She saw Tobias's eyes move down to where her hand was clutching at the shirt covering Tris's stomach and his hand soon replaced it.

"Is something wrong with our baby?"

After a moment, a sob slipped through her mouth and she moved a hand to her mouth. Tris nodded her head, her cries quiet as she leaned forward to place her head on Tobias's shoulder. After a moment, Tris felt Tobias slowly start to rub her back. The other one disconnected from Tris's stomach and Tobias held her waist with his arm around her front.

"Tobias . . ." Tris whispered, "I need to tell you something really important. It's about the something that we've both been wanting for a while and haven't been able to have, that we're just not lucky this time, either." A deep breath slipped from her lips. "I want you to know that this is completely all my fault and I apologize."

As if he knew what it was, Tobias froze. The hand he had on Tris's waist went still and his face went void of emotion.

"Did we--did we lose our baby?" He soon mumbled, his eyes searching Tris's face.

As she closed her eyes, hot tears fell from them. She couldn't stand to see that look on her husband's face again. Not after she had seen it at least four times before.

"Tris . . . did we lose our baby again?"

As Tris nodded her head, loud sobs made way out of her mouth again. She kept muttering an apology, shaking her head over and over again. When things like this happened, Tris had always felt guilty. It was because she was the one holding the child, it was her fault if something happened to it.

"They can't be dead, Tris. We were doing so good . . . we were watching what you ate and you weren't working as much--"


"You were building more muscle, just like the doctor told you to do after . . . after our first baby died. You've never had alcohol a day in your life--you've never done drugs."


"How could this happen? Are we not meant to have children, a family?"


Tris stood up, looking to her husband with tears running down her face. "I don't know how it happened! I don't know why I'm such a horrible wife that I can't provide a family for you! Just please stop rambling!

"Tobias. He's dead." Tris wiped her face. "He's dead, and he's not coming back and it's all my fault, and I'm sorry!"

The two of them stopped, staring at each other with such sadness and rage. Tobias squeezed his eyes shut and a lone tear escaped his eye.

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