snowed in

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"They closed the roads. I guess the snow is getting bad." Tris said, clenching her hand around her phone. She turned from looking at Tobias to looking out the windows at the front of the small hotel they had found. The white snow didn't stop falling in the pitch-black night. "Online says there'll be plows out in the morning. We'll leave as soon as we can."

"Okay," her mom responded. "Stay safe and warm, Tris. Make sure Tobias does too."

"We will. Love you."

When her mom responded with the same sentiment, Tris hung up and slid the phone into her back pocket. It was just in time for Tobias to walk up to her, two keycards in his hand. There was something like hesitation in his eyes as she glanced up at him. But it was gone in a second as he gestured to the elevators.

"How much was it?"

As they started the walk, Tobias shook his head. "Nothing to worry about."



Her full name made Tris roll her eyes. Tobias grinned because he knew she didn't like it. But the smile was almost fake and Tris could tell so when she looked up at him. He pressed the arrow pointing up when they got to the elevator and they waited for the doors to open. They didn't have luggage, since they had only planned to go out for the day.

"We should've checked the radar," said Tris as the doors opened a minute later. She walked in and folded her arms across her chest.

"I did before I came to pick you up." Tobias said, following her in. He turned to press the button for the second floor and turned back to Tris. "Snow wasn't on it."

They had driven to a hiking spot that was two hours away from home. The day was cold and Tobias still had yet to say why he had picked that day to go. They went all the time in the summer, going on a roadtrip usually with the rest of their friend group. But this time, Tobias had texted her that morning and told her to dress in something warm and that he would be there in ten minutes.

The elevator doors opened and Tobias walked out to the left. "It's just down this way." When they reached the room, Tobias placed the card over the door sensor. He had more hesitation when it clicked open and Tris looked to him again, ignoring the small flutter in her stomach. It had increased feeling in the day she had spent with him alone. Suppressing it again, Tris followed Tobias into the room. He stepped to the side and she was able to see what exactly had given him the hesitation.

"One bed. Tobias, you do realize there is one bed, right?"

The king sized bed sat at the left wall, with a nightstand on either side. The television rested on a stand across from the bed with a desk next to it. There was a mini-fridge under the stand but what Tris's eyes stuck on was the one bed. One bed; two people. Tris. Her best friend.

"I'll sleep on the floor, okay? It was all they had." Tobias rubbed at the back of his neck. "It's late. You can shower first."


Tobias had set up a bed on the floor by the time Tris left the bathroom, showered but dressed in the same sweatpants and sweatshirt she was wearing before and with her teeth brushed. He was scrolling through something on his phone but he looked up to her when she walked out. Getting up from the bed he had made, he pointed to the nightstand. Tris's eyes followed his hand, finding a cup and a piece of paper. "Wifi and hot cocoa."

"Thank you." Walking to the drink, she also saw her charger sitting next to it. Tobias probably got it when he went downstairs to get the drinks and blankets. "I'm done in the bathroom."

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