~A/N Vol.2~

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Hey guys! How are you? I know this is not a chapter and I am sorry for that but hear me out. I want to explain what has been currently going on with my life, so

1) In my country, the exam season is from May 23rd to June 11th, which means that I have a lot to study. That is one of the main reasons that I can't post.

2) My laptop, most of the times when I turn it on, won't connect to the internet. Basically, a lot of times that I have some time to write, I can't because of the laptop. I will probably buy a new one by the end of summer but for now I have to work with the scruppy one.

3) I am kinda lost with the story, meaning that I had planned the end of the story to be completely different and now I don't know how to continue it. I really hope I find out how to write the last 10 chapters that are probably remaining to be written. If not, I might give my sister a try to finish it, who has written 2 other chapters of the story.

I promise you that I will finish the story, but not now. I will probably post in 3 weeks so stay tuned for that. Thanks for understanding and I wish to every body good luck at the finals❤

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