~57. Finale~

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Ethan's POV

I trailed my body, trying to find where the bullet hit. I saw Nessa doing the same thing and then I saw Roni. Her face was emotionless. Her hands were covered in blood and her t-shirt was stained by it in the stomach area. I rushed to her and managed to grab her before she fell on the ground.

-"Roni, hey talk to me. You will be okay." I said, adding pressure to her stomach, trying to stop the bleeding.

-"Roni, please don't leave me. I am so sorry, this is all my fault." Nessa said sobbing next to her.

-"Nessa, it's okay." She said and grabbed Nessa's hand to reassure her.

-"No, if I hadn't broken up with Gray this wouldn't have happened. It should have been me."

-"Please don't say that," Roni said and coughed as blood started coming out of her mouth. "Do you remember when Grayson hurt you? I promised you that I will always protect you. No matter the cost." Roni managed to say.

-"Ethan," She said and gently held my face. "In case I don't make it,"

-"Please don't say that Roni."

 -"I want you to know that I am so glad you came into my life and made me feel so special and loved. You are the best boyfriend that I could ever ask for. I love you, Ethan Grant Dolan."

-"I love you too, baby," I said as tears started filling up my eyes.

I looked over to Grayson who was at the ground on his knees, just looking at us.

-"This is all your fault," I shouted at him and stood up. As I got closer to him I realized that he wasn't even listening to me. "Dude, are you even fucking listening to me?" I said and then Grayson fell on the ground.

-"Gray?" I said confused and looked at the officer.

-"I am sorry that I didn't stop him earlier. My bullet hit him as soon as his bullet hit your friend." He said making my eyes widen and tear up even more.

-"Well, call a fucking ambulance. I can't lose the two most important people in my life." I said and placed Grayson on my knees.

-"I am so sorry, E. I don't know what came over me." He barely managed to say.

-"Shh, don't talk. Keep your strength. I can't lose you too."

-"Please tell Nessa how sorry I am and that she was the love of my life. And I am so sorry for Roni. I deserve this." He said crying in my arms.

-"You are both going to be fine. Do you hear me? I need you. You are my brother. My twin. I can't live without you." I said but then his eyes started closing and his breathing slowed down.

-"Grayson? Gray?... I love you, man." Was the last thing I ever said to him.

~7 years later~

I woke up to my alarm after I snoozed it I turned to see my beautiful wife.

-"Good morning," I said and kissed her forehead.

-"Good morning. What time is it?" 

-"Time to wake up the kids," I said and stood up. She then lifted her body waiting for me. "Let me help you," I said and picked her up, placing her in the wheelchair.

-"Thank you," She said and headed to the kids' room.

The truth is that it hurt me so much watching Roni in a wheelchair because of my brother but I am thankful that I have her. I am grateful for marrying her and having two beautiful kids with her. 

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