~53. A way out?~

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A/N: In case you don't remember the storyline because it has been ages since I last updated this story then I would suggest you read the previous 2 chapters. Enjoy!

Vanessa's POV

-"So, you have a brother, and Grayson threatens to hurt him?"

-"Not exactly. Jai, my brother, owes Grayson a lot of money and he can't find a way to pay him back. That's why I am doing this. I don't even want to know what will Grayson do to him. I am sorry that I can't let you go but I have to protect my twin." He said trying to hold back his tears.

-"You and Jai are twins?" I said and he nodded. "I have a twin sister too. Her name is Veronica and she will probably be very worried about me right now. You have to help me."

-"Shit, you have a twin too?"

-"Yes," I said and we stayed quiet for some time.

-"Look, I can't even imagine how would I feel if someone kidnap Jai. I will think about what you said, but I have to go now before Grayson comes back."


-"Stand up."

-"What? Why?"

-"I have to tie you to the chair again." He said and I nodded at him. I sat on the chair and placed my wrists behind my back, as Luke tied them up with a rope.

-"Does it hurt?" He asked before leaving.

-"No, it's fine. Thank you for today."

-"Don't thank me yet." He said as he closed the door behind him.

~ Meanwhile~

Ethan's POV

As soon as I got back from school I headed to Grayson's room to ask him if he knew where Nessa is.

-"Yo, Gray. Can I come in?" I said knocking on his door.

-"Yeah, sure." He said and so I did.

-"Why are you smoking again?"

-"Is this why you came to my room?" He said annoyed.

-"No. How did your conversation with Nessa go yesterday?"

-"Umm... It was alright. I really hoped we could get back together but she is still really hurt. It's okay though. I think I am getting over her. I just hope we can be friends at least."

-"I am glad to hear that you are getting past that. And did you see Nessa go back to her house after that?"

-"Yes, why?"

-"It's probably nothing, but she didn't come to school and she won't pick up her phone. Roni got a bit worried in the morning. That's all." I said as I walked out of his room. "AND PUT THE CIGAR OUT," I yelled.

-"NO." He yelled back.

What an idiot.

I went back to my room to call Roni.

-"Hey, baby."

-"Hi, E. Did you ask Grayson?"

-"Yes, that's why I called you. Gray said that they had a relatively smooth conversation and decided they should be just friends. He also said he saw her going back in the house after their conversation."

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