~54. I Will Find Her~

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Ethna's POV

As soon as I realized what probably happened I knew I had to confront Grayson.

-"I have to go," I said to Roni giving her a kiss on her forehead and got up.

-"Is everything okay?" She asked.

-"Umm... yeah. I just remembered something. I promised Grayson we would go skate today. I am sorry I got to go." I lied to her.

I really hate lying to Roni but I had to be sure about my suspicions and then talk to her.

-"It's okay." She said as a small frown formed on her face.

-"I will call you as soon as we are done okay? If you hear anything about Nessa call me."

-"Okay, love you,"

-"Love you too," I said and left.

~Meanwhile in the basement~

Vanessa's POV

It has probably been 2 or 3 days that I got kidnapped. Roni and my parents will be so worried. I have to find a way to get out of here and quickly. I had already looked at my surroundings a couple of times, unable to find something useful, so I decided to try something different.

I am going to try and break the chair by falling on it. I took a couple of deep breaths and then I fell on my back hoping that would break the chair.

But it didn't. I just ended up laying on the floor, unable to get up again, with my head slightly bleeding from the side.

A few minutes I heard someone trying to open the door and then Luke came in.

-"Omg, what happened to you?" He said and rushed in front of me falling on his knees.

-"I tried to break the chair. But as you can see I failed miserably." I said and Luke carefully lifted me back up.

-"Nessa, you are bleeding." He said worriedly.

-"Yeah, I know. It's not that bad though." I said as I started losing my vision.

-"Nessa, are you okay?"

-"I am just fine," I said before everything blacked out.

Luke's POV

-"Nessa, can you hear me? Nessa, wake up." I shouted but got no reply.

I quickly started untying her and lifted her in bridal style. I was about to open the door of the basement and leave when Grayson came in.

-"Where the hell are you taking her Lukie?" Grayson asked. He seemed really pissed.

-"I heard a loud thud coming from the room earlier and when I came in I found Nessa on the floor, unconscious."

-"Oh, I see. And where were you planning on going with her?" He said coming closer to me.

-"Her head is bleeding badly. She needs medical care. She needs to go to the hospital."

-"Luke, you fucking idiot." He said and then punched me in the stomach, making to almost drop Nessa on the ground. "We have kidnapped her. Do you really think we can just show up at a hospital being like "Surprise motherfuckers. We are the ones who kidnapped her." Put Vanessa down now." He said to me almost growling.

-"Grayson, this is too much. You have to help her somehow."

-"She will eventually wake up, don't worry about it."

-"Dude, are you nuts? What if she doesn't wake up? I thought you loved her." I said and his eyes widened.

-"I loved her in the past, I love her now and I will always love her. Now bring her upstairs to my bed. Go patch her wound up." He said and I nodded.

After I placed Nessa down on Grayson's bed, I went out for a walk to clear my head. I had some serious thinking to do. Shit has just gotten real. Vanessa is suffering right now and I am the only one that can help her get out. But I am afraid that Grayson might hurt my twin. On the other side, if I turn him in then I will probably get caught too. But I feel like this is the right thing to do. The girl did nothing wrong and deserves to be with her loved ones.

Ethan's POV

As soon as I got to our house I saw Grayson leaving in his car. I decided to carefully follow him, just in case my theories are right.

After we drove for at least 2 hours, I saw him parking at a small house that I had never seen before. I decided to get a bit closer, so I could see what he was planning.

Unfortunately, the only thing I managed to see was Grayson talking to another dude and handing him some medical stuff. I took my phone out and took a few photos from the guy that Grayson was talking to.

I stayed outside the house for about an hour, waiting for something interesting to happen but nothing did, so eventually, I left.

On my way back I grabbed my phone and gave Grayson a call.

-"Yo, Gray. Where you at dude?"

-"Umm, I am just grabbing a coffee and I will be back home in half an hour."

-"Oh, okay. See ya."

-"Bye bro." He said and hung up.

Great, Grayson lied to me about his location which means that he hides something from me. I guess the only way to find out is to ask him and catch him off guard.

As soon as I got back home I texted Roni the photo from the guy Grayson was talking to.

-"Does this guy look familiar to you?"

-"No, why?"

-"Nothing, serious. Just curious."

-"Umm, okay."

-"Can you send it to Aaron, Alex, and your friends too? I just really need to find out who this guy is."

-"Yeah, sure."

-"Okay, if you find something about him, text me."

-"Okay, love you."

-"Love you too," I said and turned my phone off.

I know that Grayson might have nothing to do with Vanessa's disappearance but Grayson was the last person to talk to Nessa and he has been acting weird lately. I have to be really careful about this research though. One wrong step and someone could get hurt.

*Word Count: 1058*


Hey guys! What do you think of the chapter? Do you think Luke will continue helping Grayson or will he change his mind and help Nessa free? I guess you will find out in the next chapter.

Love you all <3

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