~23. Hospital~

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Veronica's POV

I woke up in a white room with people all over it. I tried to stand up but immediately felt an excruciating pain coming from my left arm, which made me scream. I saw someone coming towards me. I was still dizzy and the only thing I could see was that my arm was covered in bandages and I was wired to a serum. I was so confused. I couldn't imagine why I was here, and what had happened to my arm.

-"Roni!" Nessa said and gave me a hug. "You are awake. I am so sorry for everything." She said and starting tearing up.

-"Nessa, why am I here? What happened to my arm? And why are you crying?" I said. There were so many thoughts going through my mind. I started remembering some things. I remember having a fight with Nessa and that's when everything went downhill.

-"We had a fight," I started saying and Vanessa looked at me. "You left the house and I was left alone. I started drinking but I don't remember anything after that." I said and Nessa burst in tears.

-"I was at the Dolans' house when Ethan got a worrying call from you. We quickly arrived home and I saw you covered in blood." She said and stopped trying to catch her breath. "Roni you tried to kill yourself." She said and I widened my eyes.

-"Nessa... I honestly don't know what to say. Please stop crying."

-"I can't Roni. You almost killed yourself because of me. The thought of that happening scared me so much."

-"Please don't say that. It wasn't your fault. It was totally mine. I shouldn't have gotten drunk, and high that night. I felt overwhelmed and... did what I did."

-"Roni, please promise me you won't try to do anything like that EVER again. I want you yo know that I love you and I will always be here for you." Nessa said and fell on my arms.

-"I promise. And I am sorry for scaring you like that, and for smoking." I said and looked down. "Don't you have school?"

-"Are you kidding? My twin sister is in the hospital and I am going to go to school?"

-"And what about these two?" I said and looked at the Dolans that were waiting outside.

-"I told them to go home but they insisted on staying. Especially Ethan."

-"Are they here all night?" I said and Nessa nodded at me. "Tell them to come inside."

-"Roni, you 're finally awake." They said at the same time.

-"How are you feeling?" Ethan said and gave me a hug.

-"Other than my arm and the fact that I tried to... suicide, all good."

-"We were so worried about you," Grayson said.

-"I am sorry that I worried you and put you through all this mess yesterday."

-"Don't apologize about that. You should be thanking them actually. If they hadn't helped me yesterday, I don't even know what would have I done." Nessa said and gave Gray a kiss on the cheek.

-"Thank you. But you should really go to school. You two have a test right?" I said and looked at Nessa and Grayson.

-"Yes, but you are way more important," Nessa said and smiled at me.

-"Does Aaron know?"

-"No, I didn't call him yet. Do you want me to tell him to come over?"

-"No, don't. I don't want him to know about this. Do our parents know?"

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