~33. I am not leaving you~

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Ethan's POV

I woke up to my annoying phone alarm.

-"Oh shut the fuck up," I said and turned it off. I completely ignored the fact that I had to prepare for school and went back to sleep.

-"Ethan wake up bro." I heard Gray shouting from his room. I put a pillow on my ear and rolled over.

-"Ethan I am not going to say it again. GET UP." He said and pushed me off the bed. 

-"I am literally that close to beat the shit out of you right now," I said and headed to the bathroom.

-"E, wait." He said and grabbed my arm. "I know that you are a bit under the weather and I just want to say that I am here for you okay?"

-"I know that. But I want some time to think. Alone."

-"Whatever you want bro. But I think you should go talk to her and apologize."

-"I will think about it. Where are you going that early?" I said as I saw Grayson grabbing his car keys.

-"I am going to pick Nessa up."

-"Wait, give me 5 minutes to prepare. Can you drop me off?"

-"Are you going to talk to her?"

-"I will try, I guess."

-"You better make things up with her. Now go." Gray said and I ran to my room.

10 minutes later we were at Merrell's house. Gray was about to go out but I stopped him.

-"Stay here. I will tell Nessa you are here." I said and he nodded.

-"Good luck bro." He said as I closed the car door behind me.

I rang the doorbell hoping Nessa would open the door. Unfortunately, their dad opened the door.

-"Good morning Mr. Merrell," I said awkwardly and reached my hand out for a handshake.

-"Good morning... Grayson?" He said grabbing my hand,

-"I am Ethan actually."

-"Oh, I am sorry I always mess twins up. Come in."

-"Thank you."

-"Daddy, who is it?" Nessa yelled from upstairs and moments later came into the living room.

-"Oh hi E." She said with a disappointed face.

-"Hey, Nessa. Is Roni here?"

-"Yes. She is in her room." She said and then addressed to her dad. "Dad you can go now. You don't want to be late for work."

-"You're right sweetie. See you later." Mr.Merrell said and kissed Nessa's forehead. "Goodbye E. Have a nice day." 

-"You too Mr. Merrell," I said as he closed the door behind him.

-"What are you doing here?" Nessa said with an angry tone.

-"I need to talk to your sister."

-"She hasn't talked to anyone since yesterday that we came back. Not even me. She is a mess because of you." Damn that hurt.

-"Look I am sorry. I am here to apologize. Can I please go see her?" 

-"Fine." She said and I was about to go upstairs when she pulled me back. "One last thing. You better make it up to her. I have never seen her that sad. And don't you EVER hurt my sister like that again." She said and then let my arm free.

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