~40. Leave~

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Vanessa's POV

As soon as I hang up the phone I quickly grabbed my keys and headed to my car.

-"What's all the rush about?" Roni said watching me panicking.

-"Ethan called me and asked me to go by his place. Bye." I said as I closed the door behind me.

I got into my car and started the engine. The weather was really bad and I could barely drive with my sprained wrist. It was raining heavily and it was foggy. I could barely see the road but I was going as fast as I could. Grayson needs me.

A few minutes later I finally arrived. I got out of my car and rushed to their house. I banged the door multiple times until Ethan finally answered the door.

-"Thank God you are here." He said and hugged me.

-"We don't have time for hugs now Ethan. What happened to Grayson?" I said in worry.

-"He is locked up in his room for hours. I have been knocking on his door nonstop but he won't answer back. I don't know what is he doing and I am worried about him."

-"And what do you want me to do? He doesn't want to see me right now."

-"Bullshit, of course, he does. You are his girlfriend. He loves you more than anyone. I even get jealous sometimes."

-"Do you really believe that?"

-"Of course I do. Now go." He said pointing me to go upstairs and that's what I did.

I stood in front of Gray's room and after I took a deep breath I knocked on the door.

-"Baby, can you please let me in?" I said trying to get in. I got no reply but I didn't give up.

-"Gray, it's me. Please let me help you."

-"Who is this?" Grayson said mumbling.

-"It's Vanessa. Your girlfriend."

-"My girlfriend? You may come in then." He said and unlocked his door. I carefully got into his room and what I saw made me so sad.

-"Gray, we talked about this," I said and tried to take the cigarette out of his hand.

-"I don't give a shit about what you say," Grayson said and continued smoking ignoring me completely.

-"Great, you are drunk too. Gray, I am trying to help you out here." I said and tried to embrace him into a hug but he pulled away.

-"Do you want to help me? Try to bring my sister back to life." He said as tears started to fill his beautiful hazel eyes.

-"Graybear, you know I can't do that. But I am and I will always be here for you. Now can you please give this to me?" I said pointing at his cigar.

-"No shit Nessa. Just leave."

-"I am not going to let you ruin your life. Cameron is gone, Grayson. And it sucks but you have to continue your life. You can't grief forever."

-"I thought I told you to leave. Don't make me say that again."

-"And I said that I am not leaving you."

-"I warned you." He said and grabbed my hand.

-"Wtf are you doing? Gray this is not you." I said but he continued pushing me towards his door.

-"Can you just leave?" He said and tightened his grip. I managed to free my hand but he grabbed the other one.

-"Gray you are hurting me," I said but he didn't seem to care. "Gray please let go of my arm," I said crying.

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