~31. The School Trip~

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Veronica's POV

-"Babe, are you okay?" I said as we got into our room.

-"I am fine." 

He certainly didn't look like he was fine.

-"I can tell when you lie."

-"Well, of course, I am not fine Roni. I haven't talked to my twin since yesterday and I hate that. You know how that feels." He said and I nodded at him.

-"Look, I know it is hard for you to deal with the fact that Grayson is smoking. And I totally get that. But you never asked him why did he start smoking."

-"Why would he start smoking. His life is like a fucking paradise." He said annoyed.

-"You never know what is going on in someone's mind E," I said trying to calm him down.

We talked about this for about half an hour and Ethan was feeling much better. He decided to go talk to Gray later this day. 

~Next Morning~

Grayson's POV

I woke up next to Vanessa and a smile immediately formed on my face. She was so cute and beautiful. I could just stand looking at her for hours. But we had to wake up early. Today we have a tour at a museum or something like that.

-"Baby, wake up." I said and pushed slightly her shoulder. She slowly opened her eyes and then smiled. Sun rays were falling on her eyes making them even more pretty. "Good morning sleepy head." I said and kisses her forehead.

-"Good morning." She said yawning. "What time is it?" 


-"8.30? We have to leave at 9.00." 

-"Yeah, so? We have half an hour."

-"I have to take a bath." She said and got up. She quickly grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom.

-"Can I come to join you?" I said with a smirk on my face.

-"GRAY, NO." She said shocked.

-"Why not? I have seen you naked in before."

-"Nope." She said and locked the door behind her making sure I won't go in.

I was on my phone waiting for Nessa to come out when I heard someone knocking on our door. 

-"Who is it?" I yelled from inside the room.

-"It's umm... Ethan." He said with a sad tone in his voice. I thought about whether I should let him in or not but I finally decided to open the door.

-"Hey." He said looking on the floor.

-"Are you talking to me or to the floor," I said annoyed. 

-"Sorry." He said and lifted his head up. It has been almost two days since we haven't talked to each other and it was killing me.

-"What do you want E." 

I honestly wanted to hug him and make up with him but I was too selfish so I didn't.

-"Can we talk?"

-"About what?"

-"Come on bro. You know what I am here for. Don't make this even harder for me."

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