~8.The Aftermath~

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Veronica's POV

I woke up without remembering anything from yesterday. I remembered when I first went to the party with Aaron and taking some shots. Other than that everything else is a big blur. I still had a terrible headache and I couldn't remember what happened last night. I must have been really drunk. After a few minutes of thinking, Nessa came into my room and immediately fell in my arms hugging me tightly.

-"Thank god you are okay. I was so worried about you." She said and started sobbing.

-"Why are you crying, Nessa? I am fine, nothing wrong happened that you should worry about. I am sorry about last night. Did I do anything stupid?"

-"I don't know. You weren't with Aaron and nobody knew where you were until a guy brought you to me in a horrible situation and told me to get you home. And that's what I did."

-"Who was he?"

-"I don't know. I didn't ask his name or something I just thanked him for helping you out." She said and started sobbing again.

-"Why are you crying now? Everything is fine."

-"It's not just that. Roni, I will ask you something and you have to answer me honestly okay?"

-"Yeah go for it."

-"Have you been taking drugs? Last night you weren't just drunk, you were high too."

-"I am not going to lie to you. Yes, I have. I started taking them 6 months ago when I went to a party and tried for the first time. And since then I can't stop it. I have tried many times with no signs of success."

-"Omg Roni, why didn't you tell me? I could have helped you."

-"I was ashamed of myself and scared that I would disappoint you," I said and started crying.

-"Hey look at me. I am going to help you get through this. You are my twin sister and I won't let you destroy yourself."

-"Thank you, Nessa. For not yelling at me and not telling our parents. You didn't tell them anything. Did you?"

-"No...But you have to tell me who has been giving them to you."

-"I can't do that Vanessa. I am sorry."

-"If you won't I will tell our parents. I don't want to be the mean sister here, but this is the only way you will get over this."

What am I supposed to do? I couldn't expose Aaron, but at the same time, my parents couldn't know about this. It would break their heart.

-"Aaron... He is giving them to me and he is the only one that knows about this." I said and Nessa was left speechless for a moment. After she realized I said she started yelling at me.

-"AARON? Does Alex know about this?"

-"No, and he can't find out. Please don't tell Alex about this. I beg you."

-"Fine, but if I find out that you 're still taking them I will tell Alex and our parents too. Deal?"


Ethan's POV

The next morning I woke up feeling really sad. I didn't know what to do to fix this. I made myself a coffee and laid on the sofa. I started thinking possible ways to get out of this mess and half an hour later I finally did. I decided that the best thing I could do was to talk to both of them. Firstly I had to talk to Veronica and find out if she remembered anything from yesterday. Then I would talk to Vanessa about being rude to her the first day at school, without telling her anything about last night. In this way, if she finds out it was me she might not be that mad to tell everyone that I might have made out with her sister. Both of the things I had to do weren't easy but they had to be done.


I woke up extremely anxious about what was about to happen. I quickly prepared for school and then took off without Grayson. I hoped that they were of the kids that go early at school and talk with their friends. And they were. As soon as I arrived at school I saw Veronica sitting on a bench and listening to music. Vanessa was also on the other side of school talking to a boy. I decided to go speak to Veronica first because she wasn't with anyone and it would be easier to talk to her. As I was getting closer to her I could feel my heartbeat rising.

-"Hi!" I said to her smiling.

-"Oh hey!" She replied to me in the same way.

-"I am Ethan. I came to this school this year with my twin brother and I am trying to make some new friends here."

-"I am Veronica, nice to meet you. Were you at Saturday's party, because you look kind of familiar."

-"No I wasn't at the party, but my brother was. You must have seen him somewhere."

-"Yeah, you are probably right." She said as the school bell rang.

-"Anyway, I should probably go to class. It was nice meeting you." I said happily.

-"Yeah, you too."

Well, that went much better than I thought it would. Now I had to find Vanessa and apologize to her. That wouldn't be easy. 

~During the break~

As the first period ended I started looking for Vanessa. When I finally found her she was still with that boy. He must be her boyfriend, I thought. That made things even more difficult. But I had to do this, so I started walking towards them.

-"Hi," I said interrupting their conversation. As soon as Vanessa realized who I was she quickly changed her mood and stopped talking with the other boy.

-"Why are you here? I didn't do anything this time." She said with a sad face.

-"Yeah, I know. I came here to apologize. So can I take her for a moment?" I said to the boy.

-"No, you can't you..."

-"Alex it's okay. I will be fine." She said and walked with me in the hallway.

-"All I want to say is sorry. I was rude to you earlier and I shouldn't have acted like that. It was wrong of me and I hope we can get past this." 

-"I guess we can make a new start. I am Vanessa." She said trying to smile. She definitely didn't look happy about talking to me, but I guess that was okay for now.

-"I am Ethan. Nice to meet you." 

-"So do you want anything else to tell me or can I go back to my friend?"

-"As a matter of fact, I do. I wanted to ask you if you would like to hang out sometime."

-"Isn't it too soon. I mean we just met."

-"I know, but this morning I met your sister and you have already met Grayson, so I think it is a good idea to hang out all together and get to know each other. In the end, you got nothing to lose."

After a few moments of thinking, she finally answered me.

-"Okay, no problem. But you pay for our drinks." She said with a happy face.


-"Okay, we will arrange the meeting place and hour tomorrow. Bye!" She said and returned back to her friend. Both of the conversations went pretty good and I felt unreally happy that the party didn't ruin everything. I had to tell Grayson now about the date. Or whatever you want to call it.


Hey guys! How was your day? Did you like this chapter? How do you think the "date" will go.

Question: Whose lane are you in from the Dolans and the Merrells? I am Grayson's and Vanessa's lane. Until next time,


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