~50. Plan B~

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Grayson's POV

~At School~

The next day by the time I got to school I kept looking for Nessa. When I finally found her she was talking with... Alex. I hate this kid. Why is she constantly with him? Every time I see him I just want to beat the shit out of him. But I don't want to get expelled from this school. I can't stay away from Nessa.

As soon as Alex left her side I walked towards her.

-"Hey, Ness," I said closing her locker.

-"Hi," She said without even looking at me.

-"So, how are you? Did you see the photo I posted yesterday?"

-"Yes," She said still avoiding eye contact.

-"And what do you think of it?"

-"I am glad you are finally moving on. Bye." She said turning her back on me.

-"What? Just that? You are not jealous or something?" I said and grabbed her shoulder.

-"Grayson for the last time, we are not getting back together. So stop being that fucking annoying and leave me alone." She said and left.

That was it. That was the last thing I needed to hear. I am done being nice. I am done trying to bring her back with her will. Vanessa will become mine. Once and for all. Time for plan B.

I never thought I would get to the point to actually do that to anyone. Especially my girlfriend. Yes, she is still mine. I just have some preparations to do in order for the plan to work perfectly. I already knew that it would end up like this so most of the things that I have to do are done. I am one phone call away from... I am not going to tell you what it is, yet. I called my partner in crime to make sure that he was still down to do this.

-"Grayson, what's up?"

-"Yo, Luke, is everything set up?"

-"What do you mean? Are you actually doing this?"

-"Yes, unfortunately. I wish I didn't have to but I am out of options."

-"I see... Yes, everything is prepared. Just call me when you are about to do it and I will be there in no time."

-"Great, I will text you her location. I will probably do it tonight. I want it to be done as soon as possible."

-"Okay, we'll keep in touch."

-"Yeah, I will text you for further information."

-"Okay, see ya."

-"Bye," I said and hung up.

The only thing I had to do now, was to persuade Nessa to let me talk to her.

-"Grayson, what the hell do you want from life?" She said annoyed from the other line of the phone.

-"Firstly chill, I don't want to piss you off or something. I just want one last chance to apologize to you. Nothing more than that."

-"Gray, if this is another try to get me back then save it."

-"I know, I know. I acknowledge that you aren't interested in me anymore. I just want to talk. Please let me make it up to you in a proper way."

-"Fine, but I want no kissing and emotional talks in this. Agreed?"

-"Yeah, I promise. What time can I come to your house?"

-"I will be out with Alex until 10 so if you want you can come then."

Ouch, that hurt. It hasn't been that long since we broke up and she is already seeing another guy.

-"Okay, I will be there at 10."

-"Okay, bye." She said and hung up.

Everything is set up. I am a few hours away from making her mine, once and for all.

Vanessa's POV

~10 pm ~

-"Thanks for the ride home Alex, and for the amazing night," I said as we got to my house.

-"No, I thank you for agreeing to go to the restaurant I wanted. I had a really great time." He said and leaned in, sealing our lips.

-"Goodnight, see you tomorrow," I said as I got out of the car.

-"If anything bad happens with Grayson call me okay?"

-"Yeees, don't worry. He won't do anything."

-"Okay, just be careful."

-"I will, bye," I said as I unlocked the front door.

I was about to close the door behind me when Gray appeared out of nowhere.


-"So, how was your date?" He said smirking.

-"It was great. Now let's get this over with." I said and walked in but Gray grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to him. Our bodies were touching each other and our lips were inches apart. I could feel my heartbeat rising. I wanted so badly to forget everything and kiss him. But then, all the bad memories of him and I came to my mind and I pulled away.

-"You are still into me and I know it. However, that's not why I am here. Surprisingly I keep my promises, so no kissing."

-"Thank you. For respecting that." I said and he nodded.

-"Can we talk now?"

-"Yes, sit," I said pointing at the couches.

-"I was actually thinking of talking in my car. I don't want anyone to interrupt us."

-"But there's no one home. Roni is at your place and my parents are out."

-"Come on, it will be better. We will put some music playing on the radio, maybe go for a little ride later,"

-"No rides too. Just talking." I said making his smile turn into a frown.

-"Fine. But we will talk in my car."

-"Okay, let's go." He said and we headed to his car.

I don't know how to describe it but as soon as I got inside I felt a wave of insecurity and anxiety overwhelming my entire body.

-"Are you okay?" Grayson asked.

-"Yeah... I am just... I am just cold. That's all."

-"Here, take this." He said and took off his sweater. I put it on and immediately smelled his perfume. I loved wearing his clothes just because of the scent.

-"Thank you," I said and a small smile formed on my face.

-"Okay so, I want to say how sorry I am for the physical and psychological damage I caused you. I regret everything that I did and it will haunt me forever. But I love you Vanessa, and I always will. The problem is that you don't have feelings for me anymore and I don't blame you. But I need you in my life. So, I am sorry about this too."

-"About wha..." I started to say but then someone put a piece of cloth on my face and after a few seconds everything turned black.

*Word Count: 1227*


Hey guys! I haven't posted in so long and I am really sorry about that. But now that the exams are over I will post at least twice a week(I hope). The story will probably be done in 10 chapters maximum. It wasn't supposed to end this short but I started running out of ideas. BUT there will probably be a sequel.

I hope you liked this part. Comment what do you think will happen to Nessa? And who is this Luke guy? (If someone can actually guess the "celebrity" that will play Luke gets a follow.) That's all for now, thanks for continue reading the story.

Love you all,❤

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