~44. Rape~

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Ethan's POV

As soon as I got home I headed to Gray's room. I started knocking on his door but got no reply.

-"Gray, can you please let me in? It's an emergency." I said but he didn't seem to care that much. 

I really hope they make things up with each other. Grayson needs Vanessa and I really don't want to believe that she was about to kiss Alex. Gray doesn't deserve this.

-"What kind of emergency?" He said with a rusty voice.


-"What does she want again?" 

-"Can you please open the door so we can talk?"

-"Are you sure you want to come in?"

-"What do you mean? Of course, I do." 

-"I warned you." He said as he opened the door. I got inside and barely managed to recognize his room. It was a total mess. There was trash and clothes thrown everywhere. A lot of alcohol bottles were laying on the floor some of them shuttered in pieces. I could see tons of used cigarettes thrown on the floor.

-"Why is your room such a mess?"

-"I thought it would be nice to match it with myself." He said and threw another cigar on the floor.

-"Grayson, please don't do this to yourself. You have to get over this."

-"How am I supposed to get over the fact that Cameron is gone, Ethan? That my, that OUR sister is gone? Forever." He said and grabbed a semi-full bottle of vodka.

-"If you think that drinking and smoking will help you solve your problems, then fine. Destroy yourself. But you have a girlfriend that has been trying her best to make you feel better and get through this and instead of thanking her, you are pushing her away. She can't bring Cameron back but she can help you ease the pain. This is not what Cameron would want for you." I said and he seemed hurt.

-"Do you believe that Cameron would want me to be with Nessa?"

-"Yes, of course, she would. You can't grief forever."

-"You are right. I have to make it up to her." He said and grabbed his jacket.

-"Wait, where are you going?"

-"To Nessa. I have to talk to her."

-"Yeah, you do but tomorrow. You are wasted now."

-"I am fine." He said stumbling on his chair.

-"Grayson, you are drunk. You will make things worse in this way."

-"I will not. I have to see her right now." He said and left his room.

I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about this.

Vanessa's POV

I got back home in a terrible situation. All I wanted to do was stay in my room and cry my eyes out all night, listening to depressing music. 

-"Roni," I yelled as I got inside. I really hoped she was home because I really needed someone to talk to right now. I kept on yelling for a few more seconds but got no reply. A big frown formed on my face as I got upstairs. I threw my bag on my bed and put some sweats on. I was about to lay on my bed when the doorbell rang. 

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