~11.The Fight~

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Vanessa's POV

Did Grayson Dolan just kiss me? Me? Vanessa Merrell? The loner of the school? Does he really like me or does he just want to get laid? Could he be the one? All these thoughts were passing through my mind when I heard someone calling my name.

-"Mrs. Merrell? Do you know the answer to the question?" My teacher said interrupting my thoughts.


-"I said, can you answer the question?"

-"What question?" I said and the whole class burst in laughter.

-"The answer is 23 sir." Grayson said trying to draw the attention. He saved me so well there.

-"Correct Mr. Dolan, but didn't your parents taught you to raise your hand if you want to say something during the lesson?"

-"Yeah, I am sorry sir." He said and looked at me.

-"Thank you." I mouthed to him, and he smiled back at me. Things were going great and smoothly with Grayson and I was so excited to meet Sydney in the evening. I finally felt happy for once in years. I didn't feel alone, like an outsider.

When the bell rang I headed out of the classroom and started looking for Alex. I had so much to tell him. As I was walking the hallway, I saw Grayson arguing with Ethan, but I didn't want to interfere. It was none of my business. I was about to leave when I heard a thud and saw Grayson lying on the floor.

Grayson's POV

During the break, I was trying to find Vanessa. I was thinking of asking her out when I saw Ethan nodding at me to go join him with the rest of the football team. I was a part of the team, but I honestly didn't like any of them. They all thought they were hot and cool, but trust me they weren't. I don't know why is Ethan hanging out with them. I guess he is trying to blend in.

-"Hey, little bro. How have you been? I heard about your "heroic" action for Vanessa." He said ironically.

-"Firstly we are twins you dumbass and secondly I was trying to help a friend out."

-"Yeah, sure. So are you going to bang her or not? Because if you won't I will. I mean I personally think that Veronica is hotter, but she has a boyfriend so if you won't take this chance I will." He said and I pushed him, throwing him down.

-"You better not touch Vanessa or I swear I will..."

-"You 'll do what?" He said and I tried punching him but he quickly avoided me and then punched me back. I immediately fell down and started losing my senses. "GRAYSON" I heard as I blacked out...

I woke up with a terrible headache. It took me some moments to realize what happened. I was so angry I wanted to kill him right now, but I felt so exhausted and weak.

-"Oh hello sweetie. You finally woke up." The nurse said to me.

-"How long was I out?"

-"About 10 minutes. Nothing special. You just have a black eye given from your brother as I heard."

-"Yeah, I am aware of that thank you. Can I go now?"

-"Yes of course dear. But before you return to your classroom you have to first go to the principal's office. Mr. Sprouse is waiting for you."

-"Fine. Thanks for taking care of me. Bye." I said and left heading to the principal's office. I could feel my right eye swollen and my back hurt so much. Ethan is going to pay for this. I knocked at the door and waited for a response.

-"You may come in." I heard Mr. Sprouse saying and I entered the office.

-"I heard you wanted to see me."

-"Yeah, sit next to your brother Grayson and tell me what happened. Your brother has already told me what happened, but I also want to hear from your own perspective."

-"I have nothing to say. You can clearly see that my brother punched me what do you want me to say?" I angrily said.

-"Calm down young man and tell me what happen or else you will both be suspended."

Suspended? I didn't want either of us to get in trouble. I didn't want to risk getting from this school in the future too. Far from Vanessa.

-"It was my fault, sir. Ethan said something that annoyed me and I pushed him. I started the fight and I apologize. I am sorry E." I said to Ethan as convincingly as I could.

-"Do I have to apologize too?" Ethan said. After a minute of thinking, he finally apologized to me.

-"I am sorry Gray for punching you. Can I please go now, sir?"

-"You can both return to your classrooms, but I am warning you. If you ever cause any trouble you will be automatically suspended. Did I make myself clear?"

-"Yes, sir." We both said and left.

We didn't talk on the way back to our classes. When I entered the classroom I saw Vanessa looking at me with a worried face. She immediately stood up and hugged me.

-"Thank God you' re okay."

-"Umm... excuse me. Mrs. Merrell what do you think you are doing. This is a classroom, not a place to talk to your boyfriend. Both of you sit down right now." The teacher yelled at me and Vanessa and I both took a sit.

-"He is not my boyfriend sir."

-"I don't care, Vanessa, now stop talking or I will kick you out of the lesson."

-"I am sorry." She said and lowered her head.

We tried talking during the lesson but after a couple of warnings from the teacher we stopped and waited for the bell to ring.

Vanessa's POV

As soon as the bell rang I started asking Grayson about the incident.

-"Are you hurt. Did anyone of you got suspended? Did you talk to Ethan...?"

-"Shhh calm down okay?"He said and placed his hand on my shoulder. "None of us got suspended, we apologized to each other and I am okay. Except from the swollen eye and the bruised back of course."

-"I am glad to hear this, but why did you fight?"

-"It's nothing you should worry about. It's something personal between E and me. Don't take this personally, but I would prefer not to tell you, yet."

-"Yeah, of course". I totally understand and respect that. I got to go find Alex. Take care and if you need anything call me. See you later." I said and left. He was right. I shouldn't have asked him in the first place. What was I thinking? I just felt like I should know. I am not his girlfriend or something. Now, where did that come from?

*Word Count: 1138*


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