~9.The "Date"~

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Veronica's POV

-"Veronica get up you are going to be late for school." My dad said to me from downstairs.

-"Okay, okay stop yelling," I replied to him as I got up and headed to the bathroom. Then I walked down the stairs and went to the kitchen to have breakfast.

-"Good morning sweet face." My mom said to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

-"Where is Nessa?"

-"She got sick last night, she won't go to school today."

-"Oh...okay. Tell her good morning when she wakes up from me." I said and headed back to my room to get ready for school.

Grayson's POV

-"Ethan get up for God's sake, we are going to be late."

-"No shut up and let me sleep."

-"Omg stop being a bitchass and wake up."

-"God, you are so annoying." He said and he finally got up.

It has been 2 years since we started leaving without our parents and it has been pretty difficult to wake Ethan up every morning. 

-"You better get ready quickly I will be in the car. You have 10 minutes maximum to prepare or else I am leaving."

-"I don't care if you leave without me and you know that. I have my own motorcycle I don't need your car."

-"Okay," I said and left for school full of anger.

15 minutes later I saw Ethan arriving at school. He barely managed to get here before the beginning of the first period. I was about to get into the classroom when a girl grabbed my hand and stopped me.

-"Oh hey, Vanessa."

-"Hi! But I am not Vanessa. I am Veronica, her twin sister. You must be Ethan's twin, Grayson."

-"Oh, nice to meet you!" 

-"Nice to meet you too. I met Ethan yesterday and I thought it would be nice to get to know you too. I also wanted to ask you for a favor. Vanessa is not coming to school today so I was wondering if you could pass from our house and give her your notes so she can catch up."

-"Yes of course. I will pass by after school. It was nice meeting you." 

Vanessa's POV

I woke up late in the morning with a terrible stomach ache. It was 1 pm and I still wanted to sleep. After 10 minutes of trying to convince myself to get up, I finally did and headed downstairs to make myself a coffee and a meal to eat. When I finished eating I headed back to my room and lied to my bed. It was around 3 pm when I heard the doorbell ringing. It must be Roni, I thought. I opened the door and saw Grayson. What was he doing here?

-"Hey." He said and a beautiful smile formed at his face.

-"Hi, Grayson. What are you doing here? Is everything okay?"

-"Yeah. I just came by to drop off my notes. I heard you are sick so here," He said and gave me his notes.

-"Ohh that's so sweet of you. Thank you." I said and gave him a hug. By the time I realized what I had done I stepped away from him. "I am sorry I don't know why I did that."

-"It's okay don't worry about it. I hope you 'll get better soon. See you at school."

-"Bye, and thanks for the notes."

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