~4.The Invitation~

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Vanessa's POV

In the morning I grabbed a coffee from Starbucks with Alex and then headed back home to watch a movie.

-"So how was your summer, Nessa? Did you meet anyone...special?" He mocked me as we were heading back home."I am just kidding. But tell me how was it?"

-"It was alright. I spent most of the time watching Netflix and reading books. I guess the week I spent with Roni in Hawaii was pretty cool and refreshing. But other than that nothing special. How about you? How was Fiji?"

-"It was pretty amazing actually. I spent a lot of time with Aaron, took a lot of pictures and enjoyed the Fiji waters"

-"Oh, that's great. I am happy that you had fun. Did YOU meet anyone special?"

-"As a matter of fact, I did. Her name is Lauren. She is from Canada and we spent a lot of time together. She is really cute and nice but unfortunately, before I left Fiji we broke up. She didn't think we could keep a distanced relationship and to be honest she was right." He sadly said to me and I gave him a big hug to comfort him.

After he told me how he spent the rest of his summer we watched a movie at Netflix called ''To all the boys I' ve loved before''. I really wish I was like Lara(the main character of the movie) that from being a lonely and nerdy girl found the boy of her dreams. But, that, unfortunately, happens only in movies.

Ethan's POV

I woke up this morning with a lot of energy, so I decided to go to the gym. At the end of the day, I wanted to look more muscular in front of the girls and try to get a number or two. I made myself a protein shake and headed to the gym. After an hour of lifting weights, I decided to set it off for today. As I was driving back home I got an invitation to a party. ''You are invited to my party for the beginning of the school year. The whole 11th grade will be there and I hope so will you. The party starts at 9 pm. There will be snacks and drinks. Hope to see you here!'' Perfect opportunity for me to meet some girls and start my year with a quick "snack".

~Dolan's House~

-''Gray can you come down real quick?'' I shouted to Grayson who was upstairs.''Grayson are you deaf or something bro?'' I yelled again and decided to go see what was he doing. ''Are you good bro?'' I said while I was getting closer to his room. I got in and what I saw kind of surprised me. ''Since when do YOU smoke? I thought you didn't want to have anything with this''.

-''Since when do you care?'' He ironically responded to me. ''Anyway, what do you want?''

-''Did you got an invitation to the party? Are you coming? I think it will be lit. A ton of girls to meet and drinks to make us have fun. It is a good opportunity to become a bit more famous here. What do you think?''

-"I guess I will come."

-''Great! Wanna dress the same so we look cooler?"

-''No. What are you? 5? I don't want girls to be confused and fuck the wrong guy afterward."

-''Yeah, I guess you are right."

Veronica's POV

Party tonight? Great! I love to party. It is my only chance to get completely out of control and do whatever I want. Anything that doesn't involve boys cause I really don't want to mess what Aaron and I now have. As soon as I got the invitation I ran to Nessa's room.

-''Nessa, did you got the invitation for tonight's party? Are you ready to have fun?"

-''I did. But I think I will just stay home and watch a movie with Alex or something."

-''Come ooon. You haven't been to a party since..."

-''Yeah since I got drunk last year and was sent to the emergencies. And I am pretty sure I don't want that to happen again so I think I will be good with a movie and some popcorn.''

-''Yeah but... Don't you want to try to meet some boys? You need someone in your life Nessa. It has been pretty long since you have spoken to anyone except Alex. You have to make new friendships too. This is your chance. Everyone will be there."

-''I will think about it. But it isn't a yes...yet."

-''Yey. I really hope you change your mind up. Not only do I have to go to the hairdresser's, but also buy a new and provocative outfit to look nice and sexy at the party. Anyways, if you decide to show up you should better pick some good looking clothes to make an unforgettable impression. If you need anything call me, I will be at Aaron's. So I hope I see you there."

-''Ok, Roni. Bye," Nessa said as I left the house. I had so many things to do before the party. I really wanted to look good even that I don't want to impress any boys. But I still want all eyes on me.

Vanessa's POV

Shall I go to the party? On the one hand, I was too afraid that I would get drunk and worry my parents again. Last time I barely made it out alive and I was punished for a month without Netflix. That's like a nightmare to me. But on the other hand, it was true that I had to make some new friendships. I mean Alex is the best friend I could possibly ask for, but I really needed a girl friend to talk to and this was the perfect opportunity. I needed to start talking to people other than Alex, Roni, and sometimes Aaron. I was even ashamed of Aaron at some times. What if Grayson is there? A quick thought passed through my mind. Now, where did that come from? I mean he is cute but I could never mean anything to him. He is just too much for me...

*Word Count: 1098*


Hey guys! What do you think about this chapter? Are Nessa and Grayson going to go to the party or nah? I also thought of asking something at the end of every chapter so I could get to know you better. So my first question will be ''Where are you from?'' I am from Greece. Hope you like the story so far!


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