Chapter 4 - Flashbacks

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"You sure?" I whispered. She nodded and bit her lips. I broke through her making her scream. This only made me thrust faster. She was moaning and screaming moving her hips in sync with me. I must of hit the spot 'cause she was begging me to carry on. Urr she was getting tight. "So tight" I growled. Going as hard as I can. "I'm close" she moaned. "Hold it" "I don't think I can" I thrusted harder getting a bit sloppy as she finally let go making me release. I dropped down beside her. That was amazing.

I woke up to see that she has disappeared.

Flashback ends

She was bright red. "You enjoyed it" I smirked. She hid her face behind a pillow in embrassasment. "Where did you go?" "Well I woke up and saw I wasn't in my house I panicked I didn't get time to look at you and ran out your apartment" "I swear you had brown hair then" "I did I was 16 Dean" "And I was 17"

"Anyways what do you usually do on a wednesday?" She asked me changing the subject. "Nothing really, go to gym hang out that's all" I shrugged. "Well you have me" she smiled. "So what's the plan then Missy?" "Let's go shopping" she squealed. "Urgh no" I closed my eyes. She must of gotten up.

Charlie POV

He's going shopping whether he likes it or not. I stood by the sink filling a bowl up with cold water up but it was so heavy I fell back in the shower hurting my ankle. I screamed in pain. Dean barged into the bathroom. "What's wrong?" "I fell and hurt my ankle" "You're such a clutz Charlie" he picked me up. "And I could of been naked when you barged in" "Not like I've seen it before" he smirked.

He layed me on the bed and went out to get an ice pack. He came back in and gently pressed the cold ice on the wound. "Oww" I kicked him in the balls by accident. I put my hand over my mouth stopping me from laughing. "I'm so sorry" I mumbled against my hand.

He dropped down on to the floor groaning in pain. Well whoops. "Watch where you're fuckin' kicking" he groaned.

"Sorry it's my reflexs" I laughed. He got up slowly glaring at me. "Now you can come shopping with me" "Haha No, you're staying here resting that ankle now" "Yeah that's a no so..." I stood up limping away. Dean picked me up from behind. "I told you to stay in bed" he growled. "Well I wanna go out alright" I spat.

He smirked. "You're hot when you get angry"

I groaned at his comment. "Put me down"

He was breathing down my neck. "And what if I say no?" He whispered in my ear. My body frozed.

"Just put me down" I whispered. He finally put me down. I turned around to look at him. His icey blue orbs were staring into me. What is this man doing? Was I no... I couldn't control it any longer. I leaned in and kissed him. He was shocked at first but gave in. Our mouths moved perfectly in sync, His tongue slipped into my mouth battling with mine, small moans escaped from me. His hands slowly landed on my butt giving it a squeeze.

We slowly pulled away staring into each other eyes. "I've been waiting for you to do that since I layed eyes on you" he said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"We could do something else" I whispered. He smirked " I like what you're thinking" "But this time I'm in control" I smirked dragging him into the bedroom.

5 days later

Dean POV

Tonight was RAW. Since I slept with Charlie I haven't seen her since. Was she ok? Did I do something wrong? Maybe she's here tonight, then I will speak to her.

Charlie POV

I can't stop thinking about him. He's on my mind. Maybe I like him.... but he doesn't want to date. Hopefully I can avoid him all night and get my match over and done with.

"Charlie you're on now"

My music played.

"Making herself to the ring from Cincinnati ohio. Charlie....

Breath Charlie just win and fucking run afterwards. But no that ain't happening. As I pinned Aj. I got the victory but I didn't know Dean was out here. That sneaky bastard. The crowd cheered when he got in the ring. "Dean what are you-" he flipped me over his shoulder. "PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed. He climbed over the ropes and walked me backstage. I leaned my cheek on my hand acting all bored.

He threw me on the couch shutting the door behind us and locking it. Just fucking great. He leaned on the door with his eyes closed. It was silent. I sat there staring at him breathing heavily.

He opened them and stared right at me. "Why have you been avoiding me?" He snapped. I scoffed "That's none of your buisness" I crosssed my arms. He growled slamming his hands down on the table in front of me making me jump. "You don't wanna piss me off" he spat.

I got in his face. "And what are you gonna do about it?" I snapped back. He was fuming and started pacing around the room pulling at his hair causing me to smirk. He pinned me against the wall. We were staring at each other and that's when we kissed. It was rough, I guess this is how we're letting our anger out.


We were curled up on the couch naked. I had my head rested on Dean chest, He was playing with my hair. "Why do you keep coming back to me? Why aren't you running away like other people?" "Because I'm not like other people"

We were silent. "Exactly what are we?" I asked softly looking at him. He looked at me thinking. "You're my girlfriend" "Oh am I?" I smirked. "Yes that means no men can kiss you or even check you out." He stated

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Typical overprotective easily jealous boyfriend then?" "Guess so" he smirked. He then placed a soft kiss on my lips.

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