"Do you even know why I got arrested last night?"

"For vandalism and possession of marijuana" She answered like she was already tired of me talking "And like I said before you need to get your shit together because now your becoming a shitty individual all around, and I don't have time for it"

"My bad for taking my anger out on the woman that fucked up our relationship" I mumbled and looked out of the window.

"Oh now you wanna deal with her? You should've came at her like that months ago and you wouldn't be in this situation"

I was so tired of her bringing this up now, she gone forever hold that over my head.

The whole car ride to my house we didn't say anything else to each other. I had a lot of shit on my mind though and I'm sure she did too. We can't even communicate like we use to because Aaliyah doesn't believe anything that comes outta my mouth anymore. She don't trust me at all and doesn't even look at me the same.

I don't blame her being what she's been through but I think she shouldn't continue to hold a grudge against me. It's time for us to talk again.

When we pulled up in front of my house she put the car in park and leaned back against her seat but kept staring out the window, I'm surprised she hasn't forced me out of the car yet.

Seconds later I glanced over at her and saw a tear sliding down her face "What's the matter?" I asked worried.

She wiped her tear and sighed "It's just too much on me"

"What's going on?"

"Everything! From me and you arguing last night to me finding out that Rick is married with kids" She said and my eyebrows raised at this sudden crazy news "I'm just so tired of running into men who does foul shit like that, who don't really give a fuck about they partners and lie about everything!!" Another tear slid down and she shook her head.

Honestly I felt bad for her, I would never know how she feels being that she puts up with all this bullshit. I'm part of the the problem so I have no room to rant about how fucked up Rick is but I am tired of seeing her this way.

She doesn't deserve any of this and it's bogus that it's gotten to this point.

I was suppose to give her the world but now here she is crying over what not only me, but another man done fucked up with her. She probably don't have any hope for anything now, I wouldn't be surprised if she just packed up everything and disappeared with Aiden forever.

I wouldn't want her to do that though.

Though she strongly dislikes me now, I'm still gone be here for her.

I reached over behind her and rubbed her back in circles while she sniffled "I'm sorry for all of this" I said truthfully "If I would've never made that mistake months ago we would've been raising our son together and getting ready for our wedding" I was ready for her to roll her eyes and cut me off but she just looked over at me with puffy eyes waiting for me to continue "You deserve better than what you been through these past months and since I'm the reason for that I have to say I'm deeply sorry for making you feel the need to take this route"

She sniffled once again and wiped her eyes "I'm sorry for going out to entertain Dakota while we was on break, I should've been worried about trying to win you back instead of making it a competition so I wouldn't look hurt" I looked down and sighed "I know me saying all of this doesn't mean shit to you but I felt like you needed to hear it"

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