Wait a sec! Am I seeing the real thing?

Wait a sec! Am I seeing the real thing?

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Should I approach him?



Lam, "HUY! FORTH!!"

Park, "Earth to Forth?!! Hello?!"

Well of course!

Forth, "wait a sec!"

Then I approached the beautiful guy sitting on the bench.

Forth, "Uhm.. Excuse me?!"

"Yes?" What is he doing here?
And What's with that smile?
"Do you need anything?" Geez! How can you be so pretty, like this Beam?

Forth, "Uhm.. may I ask where the faculty of engineering is?"

And he smirked.. haha!

Beam, "Aw.. sorry, I'm a newbie here, I'm not familiar with the facility, But, why not try to ask those idiots behind you?" pfft!

"Oiii!!!" Hahaha! Poor Lam & Park.

Beam, "How are you , Ai'Forth?"
Tsk! What a beautiful smile, you have, Ai'Beam..

Forth, "I'm good. How about you?"

Beam, "Fantastic! Your faculty
Is so blessed!! To the point that I want to transfer here." Haha! This guy is so cute!

Lam, "No, please! Don't do that Ai'Beam. Or else, Park will lose the opportunity to date all the pretty ladies here.."

That's for sure! With that look..

Those eyes..

His lips..

Park, "ehem! So, what are you doing here, Beam?" And yes! Thank you for distracting me dude!

Park, "Oi, Ai'Beam! Don't tell me, your next Target are the girls here in our faculty?!"

Beam, "Aish! Guys! Relax! I didn't come here to hunt for skirts! I mean, girls.. well, actually.. I'm here to talk to Ai'Forth, is that ok?" Huh?! Why not?!

Lam, "Awww, sorry Beam.. you can't talk to Ai'Forth.." What the fuck, Dude?!

Park, "Yeah! Lam is right. The new Head Hazer is looking for Forth so we're in a hurry, we really need to go now.." What?!!!

Forth, "Aish! Shut up you idiots! Yeah Sure, Beam.. and this is about what?"

Then this cutie, lean towards me and whispered..

Beam, "About the bracelet.." Bracelet?

Wait, is he talking about the gear?!

Forth, "What about it?" I hope he didn't lose it, or else.. Kongpob's gonna kill me.

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