» Chapter 4

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---- [T -> J] ----

T: Put in more of that
J: I'm not putting in more of that. You don't even know what 'that' is. Or how to cook.
T: Ur food always tastes like nothing. Put in more of that.
J: Shut up, you love my cooking. And your food is always inedible after a day. Remember the jalapeño chili?
T: That was one (1) time
J: That was part of the general trend!
T: the chili was fine the first day. It just got hotter over time. We're gonna eat all of this tonight. Put more in
J: Why are you in my kitchen anyway? Get out before your coffee stains everything in the room
T: I'm helping
T: Good idea tho, add some coffee too
J: Get the hell out of my kitchen before I hit you with a pan.


J: I hate you


T: What d'u want?
J: You're the one who stormed into my room like you've started another fire??


J: You walk around town on the rooftops?
T: It's not as crowded


T: Fuck, I'm dumb. I need a nap.
T: Just kidding, I'll die before I sleep


J: I believe this is what is known as an engraved invitation.
T: I believe ur what is known as a fucking lunatic


T: How is that even remotely the same topic?


J: Oh yeah?
J: Well... you're a
J: Bitch!
J: Hahah


T: She was hit by a bus, what the hell do you think?!
J: Well gee, I've never been hit by a bus have I?


J: To scramble eggs you must first beat them
J: At chess. Eggs are smart.


T: If u need me, I can be reached at 1-800-IGOTTHIS at any time between 7pm and 4am


J: Oh, sorry, I couldn't hear you over all the fucks I don't give


T: I heard there was a tea party happening and u know how I love my earl-fucking-grey


J: I just can't take a death threat seriously from someone wearing flip-flops with socks


T: I will kill myself and then u
T: In that order!!


J: But if he tries to hit on you I will smack a bitch
T: Because u'll be jealous?
J: No, because anyone hitting on you clearly needs a trip to the hospital


T: y r u such an asshole?
J: It's a coping mechanism

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