III. Watch My Baby

Start from the beginning

"How are you?"

"Good! Vivian is going on a job interview!" She decides to tell the whole apartment complex.

"Jesus didn't hear you." I whispered, "Yell louder."

"Again? The other girl got another rejection?"

I grab the broomstick from Amoli's hand and bang it against the ceiling. "Thanks for your loving support Mr.Orien!" I'm quite sure he senses my sarcasm. "And for the last time, I'm not the other girl. My name is Vivian!"

"Understood, Veronica!" I sigh when he decides to call me by one of the many names he chooses to give me. "Oh, Amanda!" That was one of his many nicknames to Amoli.

"Yes?" she replied, brushing off the fact that he called her by the wrong name...again.

"My wife wanted to know if you can teach her how to dance again tonight! She'll pay!"

"I'll be there!"

"Thanks, Alexia!"

"No problem!" she said, before taking the broom from my hand and throwing it to the corner. "What? The man pays me almost $40 an hour to teach his wife to dance. He can call me whatever name he wants."

I sigh, knowing dancing is Amoli's passion. However, her parents refused to enroll her in dancing school, so she registered herself. Her parents want her to major in business, to help with the company, or become a doctor. There is also a third option, but it's something she doesn't even take into consideration. In the end, Amoli went to both college and dancing school.

Her parents pay for college and living space. However, dancing school isn't, so she takes small gigs and lowers her living standards. Amoli is supposed to live in a moderate-class apartment, but she chooses to live in a place when you can hear your neighbor's toilet flushed.

I wiggle my toes, "If only I weren't born with two left feet."

"Girl. You're African American. Dancing should be in your blood."

"That is so stereotyping." I don't understand why everyone merely thinks being dark-skinned means you can pop it and lock it. I can't even walk without tripping on the sidewalk.

"I can always teach you." She thrust her hip, and I couldn't help but exhale in envy at her luscious waist.

"I'm so envious." I didn't bother containing my lust for her waist - in the most non-sexual way, if that is possible. She began twirling towards the kitchen. "I want your butt."

She swirls back towards me and stuffs a pancake into my mouth like she was sparing someone. "If you want this ass-" she slaps her butt, "you eat."

I salute her and munch down on the food. "If I get the-"

"When you get the job," she corrected me.

I smile widely, a broad one that tells the world I'm happy even when I ran out of toilet paper this morning and had to..let's not talk about that shameful moment. "When I get the job, I'll take you out to eat with my first real paycheck."

"You better," she winks, before handing me my heels. "I want the fancy kind of instant noodles, not the cheap kind."

"I'll purchase the most expensive instant noodles in the nearby convenience store. Hell, I'll throw in eggs, just for you." We did our secret handshake before I bid her goodbye.

Walking towards the bus stop, I tied up my hair only to find out that I didn't bring a hair tie. "Always present when I don't need you, but when I do. You disappear." I talk to my wrist, causing the old lady sitting on the bench to shake her head.

The bus pulled around, and I proceeded onto it. "Another interview?" Bob, the bus driver asked.

I grin and nod, "I thought you're only here temporarily?"

"Got the position. I'm your community permanent driver now."

I dig into my purse and drop the coins into the box before walking towards an empty seat. I notice Lisa in the corner of the bus, with Marisa in her arms. She was rattling Marisa up and down, but her mind seems to be elsewhere. "Hi, Lisa."

Steadily, her eyes trance towards me; somehow, it wasn't as lively as when I first met her last week.

I sat beside her, "Something wrong?" I place my hand on her arm, hoping I'm not overstepping my boundaries.

Lisa swallowed before blinking off a few times, wiping the water that lurks above her lashes. "I'm fine. Allergies." I could tell she was lying, but at that moment, I knew it was wrong to confront her about it. After all, we only met two times, not enough to invade her privacy.

"Interview, again?"

I nod, "When you hit rock bottom, there's no way but up, right?"

Lisa somehow seems to be off into another cold gaze. "You're right," she whispers. I tilt my head at her, "When you hit rock bottom, you can only go up." She stood up, "Bob, stop."

"Umm Lisa, I can't s-"

"Bob! Stop!" Bob swerved towards the emergency lane and pulled an abrupt stop on the brakes. Everyone thrash forward then back, clutching onto their seats. The small number of people began mumbling in displeasure.

Lisa turned towards me, "Can you watch my baby?"

Did I hear, right? Did the mother I met twice, counting this time, ask me to watch her baby? Is this some prank where someone is going to jump out and slap me in the face? Perhaps, Marisa is asking me to watch her baby so she can go to the police station to tell them I kidnapped her baby. I have no money, and I'm quite sure she knows that, so why? Is she doing this for some sick pleasure?

Roll after roll of questions pops up inside my mind as I sat there, staring at Lisa. Perhaps, Lisa is crazy, and I didn't notice it. Before I could reply, she thrust her baby into my arms and stomped out of the bus. "Wait! You forgot your baby!" I ran out after her. Remembering her baby bag, I rush back inside to grab it only to see her running towards the opposite direction.

The bus squeals and moves again. "What are you doing, Bob? Did you not see Lisa giving me her baby?"

Bob dab the sweats off his forehead, "I'm sorry, Vivian. I got a schedule to keep up."

I sat down, not wanting to drop the baby if something were to happen. "Then, why did you stop?"

"She sounded like she had something important to do."

I groan, sliding my body down. The heels scratched against the metal surface as my head hung back, seeing the mold latching onto the ceiling. "Why...Why me?"

Marisa giggles, and I look down to see her blowing a spit bubble. Once it pops, she claps her hands and giggles once more. I sigh, tickling her cheek, "Your mother probably has a good reason, don't worry. She'll be back."

The bus stop and Bob turn around, "Vivian, do you want me to turn around?"

I inhaled a deep breath before standing up straight. "No, don't do it." I know it's foolish, what I'm about to do, but this is the last chance I gave myself.

I look at my wristwatch, seeing the interview time coming to a close cut, so there isn't time to go to the police station. I grab the baby carrier and face everyone. "Who here knows how to strap on a baby carrier?"

 "Who here knows how to strap on a baby carrier?"

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