Sebastian x Reader #95

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(In celebration of 100k views)

The alarm was blaring and you quickly shut it off. You stretched your arms and slowly rubbed your eyes.

Suddenly, the smell of mixed herbs and melted cheese. You pulled on his shirt and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face quickly.

You walked down to find Sebastian in front of the stove, stirring something. On the table, there's two plates of spaghetti.

"Morning", you greeted him.

Sebastian turned and smiled at you. His blue eyes could drown you. "Morning, sweetheart. The sauce will be done soon", he said.

"Should I make coffee?", you asked.

"Nah, I've prepared it already", he said.

When the sauce is done, he gently poured it on the spaghetti. He pulled the chair for you and poured you a cup of coffee.

"What's the occasion?", you asked.

"You said you've been wanting spaghetti for a while. I thought why not", said Sebastian.

"You're too good for me, Seb", you said.

"Only for you", he winked.

Then, Sebastian's phone vibrated. He took a quick look and laughed before showing you the text message from Anthony Mackie.

"I smell Italian", said Mackie and you two laughed at the text.

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