Bucky x Reader #21

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(When Reader moves next to two 90 year olds)

You just arrive at your new apartment and trying time figure out how many trips you need to carry all of your boxes upstairs.

"Need a hand?", you turn to see Steve Rogers aka Captain America and his best friend, James Buchanan Barnes or known as Winter Soldier.

"Um, I don't want to bother you, Cap", you say.

"It's not a problem", says Steve, "I'm Steve and this is James".

"I'm (y/n). Thanks for helping", you say. You wave at James, but he avoids eye contact and you swear he's blushing.

James is the one who carried most of your things and apparently, you are their new neighbor. "Thanks you two. Would you like tea? Although you have to wait, I need to find the pot and cups", you say.

"How about dinner at our place since you haven't unpack yet?", James asks.

You nod. "Great idea, Bucky! The more the merrier", says Steve.


You stare at Steve. "(Y/N), is everything ok?", he asks.

"Why won't you let me call him Bucky?", you ask him back.

"It's personal, it's just between me and him", says Steve before leaving the kitchen. You trail behind and sits next to James on the couch.

"Hey, (y/n)...", says James, quietly and you swear he blushes every time he talks to you.

"James, I'm bored. Can you accompany me to movie and lunch tomorrow?", you ask.

"Me? Are you sure you don't mean Steve?", he says. You shake your head and smile. "Sure", he says as he avoids eye contact.

That evening, you are about to leave when someone kick the door open. James immediately pulls you behind him as he points out his gun. Steve is out, running to get some groceries, so James is on his own.

"Well, well, he has a date", says the intruder, "Get them, boys".

James fights them off while one holds you and tries to drag you out, but you use the back of your head to give him a head butt. Once your captor is disoriented, you give him a punch, knocking him out cold. You help James take them out and they retreat.

"You sure can fight...", says James.

You could only nod and suddenly feels dizzy. "(Y/N), I think they hit your head pretty hard. I'll take you back home ok?", he says and you could only nod. James carries you to your apartment.


You wake up to find James snoring next to you with his metal arm around your waist. It's not terrifying, it's warm and makes you feel safer. You nudge him a little and he wakes up with a smile.

"I'm sorry you were almost capture by HYDRA", he says, "But that was some move you had back there".

You sigh. "My parents died when I was young, a truck hit their car. Since my brothers and I have no other relatives and don't want to go to foster home, we kinda lived on the streets, but luckily my oldest brother, Dylan just finished college when my parents died, so he had some money saved from a couple months salaries and rent a small apartment for us and pay for my schooling. My second brother, Dennis works part time after school. Dennis died at school. He was beaten up because he defended me from getting raped by the football team. Since their parents have paid the school, no murder charges on them and Dylan tried to appeal, but failed. I felt like it's my fault Dennis died. Dennis always wanted to be an MMA fighter, so everyday after he died I sat on the roof of his favourite gym and watch them train. A month after I finished high school, I bump into those jocks. They tried their luck again, but I beat the crap outta them. The guy who gave the blow that killed Dennis, I'd make sure he's on the wheelchair for the rest of his life. To avoid charges, Dylan and I move here, but before that happened, someone hit and run him. After his funeral, I came here..., fresh start", you say.

"I was brainwashed for 70 years. I did things I'm not proud of, including killing my own friends. I tried to run, but I don't know why I can't. At times, I couldn't remember who I am", he says. He leans in and kisses you.

James stares at you for a while. "We all have our own past. I'm not the one to judge", he says again. Your heart beats fast after the kiss.

"Why can't I call you Bucky?", you ask.

"Steve's nickname for me", he says. James pulls her close and kisses her temple. "But I like when you call me James", he says.

Then, they hear a knock. Steve comes in with a red-headed woman. "Bucky told us everything", says Steve, "This is our friend, Natasha".

"How would you like a job using that skills of yours?", says Natasha.

"She just moved here. Let her settled things around first", says James.

"I'm just saying", says Natasha, "SHIELD could use someone like him".

"If I say yes", you interrupt them, "Would I get to see James every day?".

"I'll persuade Fury to make you a part of our team", says Natasha.

"You got yourself a deal", you say. You shake hands with Natasha before she leaves with Steve. "So, lunch and movie?", you ask. James chuckles and nods.

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