Bucky & Negasonic Teenage Warhead

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(Crossover with Deadpool and X-Men)

Negasonic opens the door to find Bucky concealing his head with hoodie. "Need a place to hide?", she asks. Bucky nods and Negasonic makes way.

She let him stay on the bunker above her bed. "Thanks kid...", Bucky mutters.

"Who's after you this time?", she asks.

"Wilson", says Bucky and Negasonic raises her eyebrow.

"Douche pool? I'm not surprised", she says.

She met Bucky when he was still Winter Soldier. Somehow, the human side of him spared her life and dropped her off at X Mansion.

"I'll call Capsicle", she says as she types. She tucks her phone in her pocket and turns to him. "Wanna get some milkshake?", she asks and he nods. Negasonic could hear faint stomach grumbling from him.

They head down and found Storm with two glasses of milkshakes. "Professor told me. Help yourself with some cookies. I just made them", says Storm.

As they wait for Cap, Bucky and Negasonic watch movies as they munch on cookies and sip on milkshakes. When Cap arrives, he found the two of them asleep at the couch and Colossus is about to carry Negasonic to her bed.

"Captain, nice to see you", says Colossus.

"Could you thank her for me for looking after him?", asks Steve.

"It'll be my pleasure", says Colossus as he picks Negasonic up.

Steve smiles. Sometimes, two different people can form the oddest, yet amazing friendship ever.

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