Sebastian x Reader #42

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*Do you ever had the problem of someone calling you over and over again, asking for someone else and no matter how many times you told that person he/she got the wrong number, he/she still calls you? Every single second to top it all of*

You arrive home from school and slam the door. "Woah, which kid pissed you off this time?", Sebastian asks when he appears from the kitchen.

"It's that caller again! I kept telling her that she got the wrong number, but she kept asking for some guy! I mean come on, it's the 20th time she called!", you whine and Sebastian sighs.

"Look, if she bothers again, we'll file a police report ok?", he says. You nod and pout.

"I'm hungry. The cafeteria has nothing edible", you say.

"We got yesterday's pizza..., and Despicable Me movie", he says.

You batter your eyelashes and give your best puppy eyes look. He sighs and smiles. "What have you done to me woman?", he says.

"You fell in love with me remember?", you say.

The two of you are about to kiss when the unknown caller rings again. Before you could hulk out and lost your mood, Sebastian switches off the phone and tosses it to the other couch.

"No more distubance", he says before kissing you again.

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