Stucky #3

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(Steve and Bucky with their daughter)

Steve is sound asleep and spooning Bucky in his arms, but as Bucky is about to sleep, the baby begins to cry. Bucky sighs and elbows Steve.

"Steve? Princess is crying and it's your turn", Bucky mumbles. Steve mutters something before giving a peck on Bucky's cheek and get up to check on their daughter.

After a while, Bucky wonders where is Steve. He heads into the nursery room and found Steve dozing at the rocking chair with the baby in the crook of his arm. Bucky slowly retrieves his daughter and places her back in her crib before waking Steve up.

"Steve? Come on, let's go back to bed", says Bucky. Steve smiles at him and follows Bucky to bed. Steve wraps himself around Bucky and kisses him good night.

"Love you, Buck", says Steve.

"Love you too, Steve. Till the end of the line...", says Bucky.

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