Sebastian x Reader #68*

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(Sad Ending - you've been warned)


You sob and cry, not knowing what to do anymore. Your marriage was crumbling. It's been hard time between you and him.

You and Sebastian married 5 years ago, but as of late, the two of you cannot even be in the same room without getting into a fight and they're often petty things.

You and Sebastian decided to get a divorce. You're not officially single yet as the judge refused to give you one, stating that you and Sebastian can still work it.

Sebastian insisted the other day that there's nothing can be done to fix the marriage. You wanted to at least try, but he's not showing any effort.

You take a walk and return back half an hour later. Odd, why did Sebastian leave the door open? You go in and you know it's a bad idea.

Sebastian is hanging out with Don and the gang when his phone rings. He looks at the number - (y/n)'s number. He ignores it. The call comes again a few times, but he ignores it.

"Seb, you might want to pick it up. You'll regret if you don't", says Don.

Sebastian walks out and huffs. "What now?!", he asks.

You sob at first. "I just want to say thank you. You gave me the best five years of my life and I couldn't ask for a better husband", you say.

"If this is a way for you to coax me, it's not working", says Sebastian.

"I forgive you. I love you, Seb. Goodbye", you hang up.

You look down, blood pouring out of the stab wound. You caught a thief in your home and the thief stabbed you as you tried to run for help.

Even if you did call 911, it'll be too late.
Sebastian is having dinner with Chase and some of their closest friends when a detective arrives at the restaurant. He asks Sebastian to step outside with him.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Mr. Stan. Your wife tried to run as it seems and it looks like she fought the thief", says the detective.

Sebastian's next door neighbour found his soon to be ex-wife dead in their home, trying to defend it just like how she tried to defend her marriage.

The detective also hands him a letter, bloodied and it was in (y/n)'s pocket when they found her. Sebastian cries as he reads it.

"You gave me the best five years in my life. I'm sorry that we can't work things out anymore. If it's me, I'm sorry. I do hope you find someone to make you happy. I forgive all your mistakes and wish you nothing but the best. Thank you, Sebastian.

-love, (y/n)".

Don was right. He was going to regret it.

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