Bucky Meets Georgie

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(Bucky helps little Georgie during a rainy day - based on MintMintDoodle's artwork, the one where Pennywise is biting Seb's arm)

I look around, how odd it is that the safe house is in this suburban house area, but Jo promised to meet me here. It better be her, I don't like those..., other people. She's new, but she's nicer.

Rain has begin to fall. Jo said she's on her way and that she has safely landed. I stand at the front porch, enjoying the rain droplets on my right hand.

Then, a bright yellow caught my eyes. A little boy running towards his paper boat, which falls into the drain.

"No! Bill's gonna kill me", I hear him.

Somehow, the tiny voice in my head tells me to help. Jo is going to kill me. I walk in the rain and tap on the boy's shoulder, which he jumps, startled at me.

"You need help?", I ask.

"My boat fell down", he says, pointing down the drain.

"I can't promise anything, but I'll try", I told him.

I kneel down and put my left arm through the hole. This drain is quite deep. Suddenly, I could feel something biting my arm. It has quite a large mouth.

I try to wiggle my arm free, but the perpetrator doesn't seem to want to let go. I finally rip my arm out of the drain, freeing myself from whatever it is down there.

I peek to see what it is, but I can't see anything and the rain isn't helping. I reach in again and could feel something paper. I pull out a paper boat - S.S. Georgie.

"Here you go", I hand him his boat.

"Thanks a lot! I know I'm not supposed to talk to strangers, but thank you", he says.

"Why don't you run along? It's not safe", I tell him. Of course, it's not safe when I'm around.

"I'm Georgie, what's your name?", he asks.

The voice inside my head keeps repeating my name. "James", I tell Georgie.

"See you later, James!", Georgie runs to the corner, which I presume to be on his way home.

I manage to dry myself before Jo arrives, but her eyes are sharp, even for someone who's quite new. Nothing escapes her, that's why Brock likes her.

"What were you doing in the rain?", she asks.

"I..., was helping a boy. He dropped his paper boat in the drain outside", I tell her.

Jo stares at me for quite a while before sighing. "Did anyone see you? Beside the boy?", she asks and I quickly shake my head. "Good, keep it that way", she says.

I furrow my brows. "You..., you're not gonna tell Rumlow?", I ask.

"I'm sure that kid will forget you and he probably will not remember a thing", she says.

I told you she's nice. "There's something else though. Something bit my arm", I tell her, rolling up my sleeve. To our horror, deep teeth marks dent my arm.

"What the hell happened?", she asks.

"I thought it was a couple bugs or something", I say.

"This ain't some bugs", she mumbles, immediately scrambling to find her toolbox. Once my arm is fixed, I turn to her.

"What do you think it was?", I ask.

"Whatever it is, I'm gonna have to find out. It's not like we're doing anything and we don't know how long this hideout will last", says Jo.

I hope it's nothing bad, but I could be wrong.

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